Grace Alone (Sunday, September 24th, 2017)
Bible Reference(s): Ephesians 2:1-10 Sermon by Rev. Terri Thorn It is probably safe to say that the significance of October 31, 2017 is not on the thought-radar for most of us. are a die-hard church history which case you know that October 31st is more than just Halloween-on-a-Sunday this year. It is also marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Of course, the Reformation was not a single, one-and-done incident. Nonetheless, October 31st has been deemed the official anniversary date, mostly because it was on that date in 1517 that Martin Luther took a list of theological concerns, called the 95 Theses, and nailed them to the door of Castle Church in Wittenburg, Germany. It came to be seen as the start of a "protest" that would eventually divide the Catholic Church and the Protestant (protestor) Church. Most historians agree that it was never Martin Luther's intention to create a schism in the church. He was just increasingly frustrate...