Soli Deo Gloria (Sunday, October 22nd, 2017)
Bible Reference(s): Isaiah 43:1-13 Sermon by Rev. Terri Thorn Occasionally someone will ask me if I could only own just one book of the Bible, which would I choose? Sometimes I tell them the Acts of the Apostles, because I believe it provides the framework of what it means to be a Christian faith community. However, most of the time, I choose Isaiah...which some call the fifth gospel since Isaiah directly and frequently heralds the good news of the Messiah. To me, Isaiah is the pivotal and overarching book that helps us understand the whole faith story in which we find ourselves. It connects the history of the past...the stories, the prophecies, the the story of Christ...and reveals the fully established Kingdom to come. It pieces it all together. So, for me, if you dig deep into Isaiah, by default, you are forced to dig deeper into the rest of the scripture. And most assuredly, given the number of times Isaiah is qu...