Midweek 8/10/22
- Your Contact Information
- Lord’s Prayer song link
- Church Website Underway!
- Birthdays & Anniversaries
- Prayers are welcome
- Faith Circle August 10th
- Time to Move
- Together in Fellowship & Mission
- PPM Update
- Abide in Jesus
- New Grow in Grace Opportunity: Time to Savor & Share
“. . . that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:12
Your Contact Information: Thank you for sending in your contact information. If you have not sent it in yet, please send to the office:
Gretel@lebanonfpc.org or 128 E. Main St. Lebanon, IN 46052. Needed: Name/ Member: yes or no / Phone #s / email address / Postal address / family members in your household / birthdays and anniversary date if applicable / family members in church body and their relation to you.
Lord’s Prayer Song Link: We will be singing the Lord's Prayer during the service. Please visit the following YouTube video if you wish to become more comfortable with the song.
Church Website Underway! Please check out the following link. It is a test website.
https://sites.google.com/lebanonfpc.org/church/home Pastor Je shares the following request: “I'd like to get ideas and suggestions from the congregation about our future church website.” We value your input! Share thoughts with Je:
je@lebanonfpc.org or Gretel in the office:
Gretel@lebanonfpc.org“Happy Birthday to you! We celebrate with you! Know that we love you, and God loves you too!”Birthday blessings to Hannah Lee: Friday the 12th; Stephen Gates: Friday the 12th; George Morton: Saturday the 13th; Margi McConnaha: Tuesday the 16th. Anniversary congratulations to Stephen and Cheryl Gates: Friday the 12th.
Prayers are welcome: Please continue to keep the FPC church family in prayer: Al and Margi McConnaha during this life transition for the two of them; Craig Reynolds and his family, prayers for continued journey ahead and praise for great accomplishments so far; Nancy Turner for healing and rest.
Faith Circle August 10th: Faith Circle meets August 10th in the church library at 1:30.
Time to Move: Pastor Je’s vacation time: August 15th - 28th, for packing, moving and settling into their new home. Move-in date: Saturday, August 20th. The Lee’s new address will be 2456 Point Rd, Lebanon, IN 46052. Thank you for sharing your support for Pastor Je and his family.
Together in Fellowship & Mission: The beautiful quilt, created by Debbie Crouse and Bess Wilkes, with help from the community and members of the FPC family, is now beautifully displayed in the church lobby. Thank you to Roy for hanging it. Thank you again to the creators of this work of art.
Dear Lord, may it grace our place of worship and our hearts with the reminder of sweet fellowship with each other and with You. May it inspire us to share with others the reason for the hope we have in our hearts, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.PPM Update: “PPM will resume classes Monday August 15th. We are very excited for this school year to start. Teachers have been busy setting up their classrooms. Building renovations will be completed Friday, August 12th, with the upstairs bathroom being updated as well carpet and flooring in all rooms and Mezzanine floor. This school year we have 82 students enrolled and 15 staff members. We are still looking for a lead teacher in a 2 year old classroom. Thank you for your prayers and support of the Preschool Program, the staff and children.”

Abide in Jesus. Jesus instructs us that He is the vine, and we are the branches. Jesus tells us: “Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) The word “abide” is a derivative of the word “bide”. The root of “bide” is the Latin for “to trust” and the Greek for “to believe”. Abiding in Christ is both a result of our trust and belief in Him and evidence of the same. When we abide in Jesus, we find the safety, security, and shelter we long for in this life. Because of that safety, security, and shelter, we can surrender to Him. As we abide in Him we experience His peace. Abiding in Him produces fruit we cannot produce on our own. On our own we are but a withered branch. Only when we remain in Him and draw our life and strength from Him can we experience and share His fruit. Will we seek our own desires, strike out in our own strength, trust in what we can see, feel, and touch and be like the fruitless vineyard described in Isaiah 5:1-4? Or will we do as the Lord bids us in Isaiah 27:5 and cling to Him for protection and make our peace with Him?
Forgive us, O Lord, for trying to plant and grow our own vineyard. May we surrender to You, stay in You, and may there be blossoms and shoots that fill the whole world with fruit. (see Isaiah27:6). Amen.New Grow in Grace: Time to Savor & Share: Whether we are running late or right on time, the clock keeps moving forward. The book of Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a time and a season for everything. (Ecc.3:1). What time is it for you? Time to rest? Time to heal? Time to be busy? Time to share with someone new? Time to give extra care for those around you? On the corner of Gretel’s desk is a new opportunity to grow in grace together. Take a scripture card from the “Time to Savor” basket. Take it home and pray over it, or write on the back of it (or the back of a second card) what time it is for you in your life right now. You can give your name or remain anonymous. Place that card in the “Time to Share” basket. Thank you for participating! Wherever you find yourself right now, may God bless this time.
Interested in joining the
prayer chain? Contact Phyllis Duff at (765)482-1485/
raduff2@att.net. The following prayer is taken from the hymn “Abide with Me” by Henry Francis Lyte (1847).
Dear Heavenly Father, Abide with me: fast falls the eventide. The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide! When other helpers fail and comforts flee, help of the helpless, O abide with me.” Amen.
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