Midweek: Wednesday, August 17th, 2022

Midweek 8/17/22


  • Student-led Sunday
  • Pastor on Vacation
  • Connections
  • Pictorial Church Directory
  • Lord’s Prayer song link
  • Church Website Underway!
  • Your Gifts Help and Save
  • Volunteer Liturgist?
  • Choir Resumes in September
  • Birthdays & Anniversaries
  • Prayers are welcome
  • PPM Back in Swing
  • Grow in Grace: Time to Savor & Share

“. . . that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:12

Student-led Sunday: This Sunday’s service on the 21st will be student-led. We look forward to a wonderful time of Spirit-inspired worship, infused with enthusiasm and new life. Thank you to the students and others who are working hard on preparing this special experience. Come and enjoy!

Pastor on Vacation: Pastor Je is on vacation through August 28th. The Lee’s official move-in date is Saturday, August 20th. Their new address will be 2456 Point Rd, Lebanon, IN 46052. Please keep him and his family in prayer as they shuffle stuff and settle themselves and their belongings in a new home.

“Connections” will resume their meetings this fall. They will meet every 1st Tuesday at 11am, beginning with Tuesday, September 6th at 11am in the church library. They meet each month and do something different each month with a new leader/idea each month. This is not a formal group. There are no studies to prepare for or lessons to keep up with. It is a time to enjoy connecting with each other and the community. If you have an interest in participating, contact Jennie Woods or Gretel in the office.

Pictorial Church Directory: FPC is preparing to share a new pictorial church directory. To have your picture taken for this directory, you need not do anything beyond come to worship on a Sunday: Pastor Je will be present with a camera to take photos before and after service. (He is on vacation this weekend but will be present for the service on Sunday – not to preach, just to enjoy worship with the body of Christ.)

Lord’s Prayer Song Link: We will be singing the Lord's Prayer during the service. Please visit the following YouTube video if you wish to become more comfortable with the song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3ZWyB-Zwas

Church Website Underway! We are launching a new website. Please check out the following link. It is a test website: https://sites.google.com/lebanonfpc.org/church/home Pastor Je shares the following request: “I'd like to get ideas and suggestions from the congregation about our future church website.” We value your input! Share thoughts with Je: je@lebanonfpc.org or Gretel in the office: Gretel@lebanonfpc.org

Your Gifts Help and Save: Your financial gifts are helping people and saving lives. The Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, a part of Presbyterian Mission, sent a beautiful letter to the church recently, thanking FPC for the contribution given towards disaster relief. This letter is attached in pdf form to the email sending out this newsletter. (If that attachment does not come through easily for you, contact Gretel in the office for a printed copy.) Pastor Je wants to be sure you all have a chance to read this lovely letter of gratitude. And we thank you as well for your generous spirit.

Volunteer Liturgist? We are in need of liturgists for the month of September and October. Usually, one person does a whole month. However, we can make adjustments as need be. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Gretel in the office or speak with someone after Sunday service.Thank you.

Choir Resumes in September: Choir will begin rehearsals again in September. The first date is Thursday, September 8th.

“Happy Anniversary to you! We celebrate with you! Know that we love you, and God loves you too!” Happy anniversary to Bud and Nancy Hunter: Monday, August 22nd!

Prayers are welcome: Please continue to keep the FPC church family in prayer: Al and Margi McConnaha, Craig Reynolds and his family, Nancy Turner, Cyndy and Phil Gibbs, Janet Gregg.

PPM Back in Swing: PPM started a new school year this week. We welcome students and teachers. Please keep the teachers and staff in prayer for patience, endurance, and God’s loving hand to show through all they do.

Grow in Grace: Time to Savor & Share: What time is it for you? Take a scripture card from the “Time to Savor” basket on Gretel’s desk: savor the thought it shares, take it home, or write on the back what time it is for you and drop it in the “Time to Share” basket. When the office is closed over the weekend, look for this activity on the table in the lobby.

Interested in joining the prayer chain? Contact Phyllis Duff at (765)482-1485/ raduff2@att.net.

Dear Heavenly Father, “The Lord is my shepherd.” (Psalm 23:1) We come to You as our Shepherd. We are in need of guidance, protection, companionship, comfort, and encouragement. Help us to remember we are Your sheep and You are near us to provide for our needs. Will we turn to You? Will we trust Your rod and staff? Will we rely on Your knowledge of the path and the terrain? Will we make this relationship personal? Will we say, “The Lord is. . .” not just “The Lord was . . .” or “The Lord will be . . .”? You are not just a shepherd but our shepherd. You are not a lord but The Lord. Praise be to You. Amen.


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