Midweek: Wednesday, August 24th, 2022

Midweek 8/24/22


  • Thank you Students! (With photos)
  • Pastor on Vacation
  • Connections
  • Pictorial Church Directory
  • Lord’s Prayer song link
  • Church Website
  • Choir Resumes in September
  • Birthdays & Anniversaries
  • PPM
  • Little Dresses for Africa
  • Sign-In Sheet
  • Library Love

“. . . that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:12

Thank you Students! FPC experienced the blessing of a student-led worship service this past Sunday, on August 21st. They did a wonderful job. Extra special thanks to Sam and Ben Piper and Oliver Hutcheson. A few photos of the fun are included at the start of this email, courtesy of Pastor Je.

Pastor on Vacation: Pastor Je is on vacation through August 28th. The Lee’s official move-in date was Saturday, August 20th. Their new address is 2456 Point Rd, Lebanon, IN 46052. Please keep him and his family in prayer as they shuffle stuff and settle themselves and their belongings in a new home.

“Connections”: The group “Connections” will resume their meetings this fall. They will meet every 1st Tuesday at 11am, beginning with Tuesday, September 6th at 11am in the church library. Connections is not a formal group – no studies to do or lessons to prepare, but rather is a time to connect with one another and the community. Jennie Woods is heading up this venture to renew participation in activities that foster fellowship and positive relations within the body of Christ and beyond. Contact Gretel if you are interested: (765)482-5959. Gretel@lebanonfpc.org

Pictorial Church Directory: FPC is preparing to share a new pictorial church directory. To have your picture taken for this directory, simply come to worship on a Sunday: Pastor Je will be present with a camera to take photos before and after service.

Lord’s Prayer Song Link: We will continue singing The Lord’s Prayer during service. The following link is provided, for your comfort and pleasure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3ZWyB-Zwas

Church Website: Please check out the following link to the church’s test website: https://sites.google.com/lebanonfpc.org/church/home Suggestions? Ideas? We value your input! Share thoughts with Je: je@lebanonfpc.org or Gretel in the office: Gretel@lebanonfpc.org.

Choir Resumes in September: Choir will begin rehearsals again in September. The first date is Thursday, September 8th.

“Congratulations to you! We celebrate with you! Know that we love you, and God loves you too!” Happy birthday to: Debbie Crouse, Friday the 26th! Happy anniversary to: Janet and Dick Self, Tuesday the 30th; Todd and Mary Frances Meyer, Tuesday the 30th!

PPM: Please keep the teachers and staff in prayer for patience, endurance, and God’s loving hand to show through all they do.

Little Dresses for Africa: FPC is forming a sewing group to make simple dresses for girls and britches for boys. There will also be another collection of cotton briefs for women, in accordance with LDFA’s Dignity for Women program. Debbie Crouse will share a “Minute for Mission” on Sunday 8/28. There will be items on display and patterns available at the back of the sanctuary following the service. Please stop by and show your support of this project. Thank you.

Sign-In Sheet: Located in the lobby on the rolling cart there has been a sign-in sheet for those connected to the church to use when coming in to the building during school hours. This sign-in sheet enables PPM to keep track of who has been in the building. To simplify things for parents and staff with PPM, beginning Monday the 22nd the location will change to Gretel’s office. You will find the sheet on a clipboard located on the desk in the church office. When the church office is closed, it will hang on the bulletin board across from the office. Thank you for being attentive to this change and complying with the request to sign-in, thereby helping PPM maintain the safety and wellbeing of each child.

Library Love: There’s something about a library I just love; maybe it’s the promise of a nugget of brilliance or a treasure of comfort hidden somewhere in there. Recently, in our church’s library, I came across a beautiful little book by Jan Karon called Bathed In Prayer. I have delighted in every page so far. The following is an excerpt from there: “Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations, and say continually: ‘The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart has trusted in Him and I am helped. He is not only with me . . . but in me . . . and I in Him.’ – St. Francis de Sales from A Continual Feast: Words of Comfort and Celebretaion, Collected by Father Tim.”

Interested in joining the prayer chain? Contact Phyllis Duff at (765)482-1485/ raduff2@att.net.

The following prayer is based on the hymn “Jesus Loves Me” by Anna Bartlett Warmer. Last two verses added here by Gretel.

Dear Heavenly Father, We praise You and thank You as our hearts sing: “Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to him belong. They are weak but he is strong. Jesus loves me! This I know, as he loved so long ago, Taking children on his knee, saying, “Let them come to me.” Jesus, strong and dear to me, lend your ear and stay near me; Whate’er my age, your child am I; I know peace when you are nigh. Jesus, you love every soul, and you long to make us whole. Shepherd, Bearer of our yoke, the Balm for all welcomes all folk. Amen.


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