Midweek: Wednesday, August 31st, 2022

Midweek 8/31/22


  • Greeters?
  • Reminders
  • Needed: October Liturgist
  • Smile!
  • Connections
  • Pictorial Church Directory
  • Church Website
  • Choir Resumes in September
  • Presbyterian Ringers Resume
  • Birthdays & Anniversaries
  • PPM
  • Little Dresses for Africa
  • Washer or Dryer need?

“. . . that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:12

Greeters? “Knock, knock!” “Who’s there?” “Greeter . . .”

“Oh, you’re going to be a greeter for us this Sunday? Wonderful! Thank you so much!” We are needing a greeter for this Sunday! Please call the office (765-482-5959) or email Gretel (Gretel@lebanonfpc.org) and let her know if you can welcome folks this Sunday to the House of Worship. We appreciate your willingness, your kindness, and the generous sharing of your time.

Reminders: This coming Sunday is communion Sunday. This Sunday’s after-service-treat will be provided by Marilyn Boatright. The liturgist for the upcoming month of September will be Ralph Willard. The elder of the month for September will be Amy Morrison. Thank you for sharing your talents and your gifts with the body of Christ for the glory of God and the edification of the body.

Needed: October Liturgist. A few Midweeks ago I shared the need for liturgists for September and October. We have someone who has graciously stepped up to help with September, but we are still in need of someone for October. If you are interested and willing to help in this way, please notify Gretel in the office: (765)482-5959/Gretel@lebanonfpc.org. Office hours normally: 9-1, M-F.

“Smile! You’re on candid camera!” Actually that would be “Je’s camera”. Included in this email are a few photos from this past Sunday. Thank you to: Jennie for crafting a beautiful service; Budd for inspiring us with fantastic music; each of you for lending your hearts and voices in worship with us. Thanks be to God for the movement of the Holy Spirit, as well as His grace and mercy in calling us to worship and enabling us to come to Him in song and surrender. Following are links to the photos Pastor Je has taken the last two Sundays. 

For 8/21/22 photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/3HvZsZrARBuizzoL8 

For 8/28/22 photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/N8xSz8ZJBvLwfizu6

“Connections”: The group “Connections” will resume their meetings this fall, every 1st Tuesday at 11am, beginning with Tuesday, September 6th at 11am in the church library. Contact Gretel if you are interested: (765)482-5959. Gretel@lebanonfpc.org

Pictorial Church Directory: FPC is preparing for the publication of a new pictorial church directory. To have your picture taken for this directory, simply come to worship on a Sunday: Pastor Je will be present with a camera to take photos before and after service.

Church Website: Please check out the following link to the church’s test website: https://sites.google.com/lebanonfpc.org/church/home Suggestions? Ideas? We value your input! Share thoughts with Je: je@lebanonfpc.org or Gretel in the office: Gretel@lebanonfpc.org.

Choir Resumes in September: Choir will begin rehearsals again in September. The first date is Thursday, September 8th at 7pm. We’ve got some lovely voices lifting their praise and worship to the Lord. Questions or interest? Please contact Gretel in the office.

Presbyterian Ringers Resume: The bell choir will begin rehearsal for a new season on September 8th, 6-7pm. Rehearsals will be every Thursday from 6-7pm, with the goal of playing the first Sunday of each month. We can all look forward to more glorious bells ringing as we draw nearer to Christmas and Advent season. Until then, Ringers, start your bells; the rest of you: get ready for some beautiful sounds!

“Congratulations to you! We celebrate with you! Know that we love you, and God loves you too!” Happy birthday to: John Messenger, Saturday 9/3; Jeannie Shaw, Tuesday 9/5. Happy anniversary to: Jaye & Janet Curry, Friday 9/2

PPM: Please ask God to strengthen the teachers and staff for patience and longsuffering, according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

Little Dresses for Africa: FPC is forming a sewing group to make simple dresses for girls and britches for boys. Checks should be made out to the church, with “LDFA donation” added to the memo line. Contact Debbie Crouse, or Gretel in the office, with your interest in this mission opportunity.

Washer or Dryer need? Anyone need a free Washer and Dryer? If interested, contact pastor Je. Be prepared to pick them up yourself. Brand: Whirlpool; age: 5 years old,; in perfectly working order and good condition. Washer model is WTW5000DW1 (4.3 cu. ft), Dryer model is WED4815EW1 (7 cu. ft).

Interested in joining the prayer chain? Contact Phyllis Duff at (765)482-1485/ raduff2@att.net.

“One of the most comforting things about our God is that He is always there awaiting our prayers, even when we can’t find the words to express our deepest grief. . . . God already knows the deepest recesses of our heart, so going to Him only ushers us into the safest of all possible places we can be.” –Shannon Bream, The Women of the Bible Speak. “. . . in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Phil.4:6.


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