Midweek: Wednesday, September 7th, 2022
Midweek 9/7/22
- You Can Help
- Reminders
- Connections
- Pictorial Church Directory
- Church Website
- Choir Resumes in September
- Presbyterian Ringers Resume
- Celebrations
- PPM Prayer & News Update
- Little Dresses For Africa
- Shine!
“. . . that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:12
You Can Help: September 25th still needs a greeter or two and a volunteer to bring the after-service-treat. Please sign up on the sheets on the bulletin board in the hallway or contact Gretel in the office.Reminders: This coming Sunday’s Greeter is Bess Wilkes. This Sunday’s after-service-treat will be provided by Lynna Shaw. The liturgist for September is Ralph Willard. The elder of the month for September is Amy Morrison. Thank you for sharing your talents and your gifts with the body of Christ for the glory of God and the edification of the body.
“Connections”: The group “Connections” was unable to meet on August 6th, so will resume their meetings for this fall on Tuesday, September 13th at 11am in the church library. Contact Gretel if you are interested: (765)482-5959. Gretel@lebanonfpc.orgPictorial Church Directory: FPC is preparing for the publication of a new pictorial church directory. To have your picture taken for this directory, simply come to worship on a Sunday: Pastor Je will be present with a camera to take photos before and after service.Church Website: Please check out the following link to the church’s test website: https://sites.google.com/lebanonfpc.org/church/home Suggestions? Ideas? We value your input! Share thoughts with Je: je@lebanonfpc.org or Gretel in the office: Gretel@lebanonfpc.org.
Choir Resumes in September: Choir will begin rehearsals this Thursday! September 8th at 7pm in the sanctuary. Come and lend your voices to worship the Lord in song.News update: “We are very excited to bring back Grandparents Day this year for our Pre-K classes. We have not been able to host this for 2 years! The Pre-K classes will also be attending Dulls Tree Farm later this month for our first field trip of the year. I am also looking for special guest readers to come in once a week to a class room and read a book or two. You can email me or stop in the office if you would like to volunteer. Please continue to pray for our PPM staff, children and families. We have had a good start to the year and continue to be blessed daily watching the children learn and grow.” Blessings, Lori Rowe
Little Dresses for Africa: FPC is forming a sewing group to make simple dresses for girls and britches for boys. There is a box in the church library in which you can put fabric or outfits for LDFA. Near the box is also a poster-board sign with patterns available for the dresses and britches. Any donations made will go towards purchasing fabric, t-shirts, and other sewing supplies. Checks should be made out to the church, with “LDFA donation” added to the memo line. Questions? Contact Debbie Crouse at (224)622-6383, or Gretel in the office. You can access the LDFA website at: https://littledressesforafrica.org/
SHINE! “If thou indeed derive thy light from Heaven, then, to the measure of that heaven-born light, Shine, Poet! In thy place, and be content.” William Wordsworth. Substitute your name in place of “poet”So Shine! My dear ones, as the Lord Himself doth lend
Peace to hearts needing healing from hurts life cannot mend.
Shine! For the Lord’s light lives on, the Lord’s light lives true,
His blessed sacrifice gifting hope to me and you.
Hope brings with it peace and with that peace a joy;
This can be born aloft in every girl, in every boy.
If one is but a bud opening on a bow or a blossom in full bloom
Spreading life’s sweet scent about:
The Lord has love for all, and for all doth He make room.
Lord of light, Lord of hope, Lord of every bud and bloom.
So Shine! My dear ones, the Lord Himself is near.
His Light enables us to shine true and clear.
Dear Heavenly Father,
“The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?” (Ps.27:1) According to the measure of this light, help us to go forth in faith, even if it means doing so while still afraid. May we be made strong with all the strength that comes from Your glorious power, and may we be prepared to endure everything with patience, while joyfully giving thanks to You, Father, who has enabled us to share in the inheritance of the saints in the light. You have rescued us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of Your beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. Hallelujah. Amen. (Prayer is based on Colossians 1:11-14)
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