Midweek: Wednesday, October 19th, 2022


Midweek 10/19/22


IN THIS ISSUE:                 

  •          Reminders                                            ·        
  •       Pictorial Church Directory                
  •          Music Notes
  •          License Plate
  •          Celebrations
  •          PPM Update
  •          Little Dresses For Africa
  •          Mischief on Meridian
  •          Christmas Flowers (Already!)
  •          Live and Learn with us on Saturdays!
  •          P.R.A.Y.E.R. R.E.Q.U.E.S.T.: R for Reflect
“. . . that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:12



This Sunday’s after-service-treat will be provided by Amy Morrison. We have no greeter lined up for October 23, or 30. We also need greeters yet for November 13, 20, 27. Please contact Gretel in the office or fill out the sheet when you are in the building. Whether you’re here to greet or to share a treat, the real treat we enjoy is you!

Ardella Myers: Ardella J. Myers, sister to Sigmon Myers, passed away October 11th at the age of 77. Services will be this Thursday, the 20th at Myers Mortuary in Lebanon. From 11-1:30pm there is a visitation; service is at 1:30pm. A link to her obituary, from the Lebanon Reporter, is included below. https://www.myersmortuary.com/obituaries/Ardella-Myers/#!/Obituary

Pictorial Church Directory
: FPC is preparing for the publication of a new pictorial church directory. Pastor Je is taking pictures before and after services. You may also submit your own photo if you prefer. Please send it to Gretel in the office. 

Music Notes: 
Choir rehearsal: No Thursday practice this week.
Presbyterian Ringers: Thursday at 6pm, Sanctuary. 

 License Plate: License plates are now in. Extra were ordered just in case you wanted one and didn’t place an order in time. The cost is $17.52 per plate. Contact the church office with any questions.


“Congratulations to you! We celebrate with you! Know that we love you, and God loves you too!”   Happy birthday to: Echo Nunley, 10/25; Phyllis Duff, 10/27; Bruce McConnell, 10/27; Mary Beth Pauley, 10/28.

PPM Update:
PPM will be on fall break October 24th through October 28th.


Little Dresses for Africa:  We will continue to collect materials for LDFA throughout the extent of the current sewing project. You can contact Debbie Crouse at (224)622-6383, or Gretel in the office with any questions. You can access the LDFA website at:  littledressesforafrica.com  

Mischief on Meridian: We are participating on Saturday, the 29th, with Lebanon downtown events, called “Mischief on Meridian”. This is a great opportunity to lend a helping hand and friendly face to our local community. Donations of individually wrapped candy are needed. Please drop off at the church before that Saturday. Contact Pastor Je or Gretel in the office before Friday the 28th if you would like to help pass out candy to those who stop by on Saturday the 29th. Costumes encouraged but not required.

Christmas Flowers (Already!) Yes, you read that right: Christmas Flowers. We skipped right from Halloween to Christmas! But we can be thankful that there are a couple months in between, one of which gives pause for Thanksgiving. (We know how fast the days fly this time of year!) Speaking of how quickly the season comes and goes – we have the chance to jump on an opportunity to enjoy beautiful flowers and other seasonal plants and at the same time support our local high school band program. But you need to think fast. Only three Sundays to consider this option.

     The Lebanon High School band is selling Christmas plants and flowers. There are a number of lovely choices, poinsettias being among the options. You can order through the church office, we will collect all orders and turn them in together.  Checks for orders should be made out to “Lebanon Music Boosters”. If you wish to share the poinsettias with the church, they will be available to grace our sanctuary by Dec. 11th. You could then take the poinsettias home after the Christmas service. You are free to just use them at home as well. (The church would only use the poinsettias.)
     Sunday November 6th will be the last Sunday to place your order through the church. Later that week we will turn them in to LHS. We have someone who will pick up the orders for us and bring them to the church when they come in. There is a form posted on the bulletin board which shows the options and their prices. Poinsettias are $16 and offered in red, white, ice crystal, pink, and marble. You can also contact Gretel in the office.

Live and Learn with us on Saturdays: Room for more! Good time being had by all. This coming Saturday, the 22nd, will be the first Psalms study with the study book. For participants: review your memory verse! (Roman 15:4) Bring a Bible. You are welcome at the study, whether you have done the entire first lesson, some of the first lesson, or none of the first lesson. There is no pressure, just the opportunity to grow in grace together. “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18

P.R.A.Y.E.R. R.E.Q.U.E.S.T. We are continuing our consideration of the acrostic poem.

Pause Reflect Adore  Yield Extol Remember  

Request/Release Entreat Question Unite Enjoy Surrender Thank

“R” today is for Reflect. When we pause to pray and yield to the Lord, surrendering all to Him, we have the opportunity to reflect on who He is and what He has done. We can consider what scripture tells us in Hebrews 11:3 (ESV): “By faith we understand the universe was created by the Word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.” A couple verses before this we are given the definition for faith: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Heb.11:1) With a concrete hope backed by conviction, we comprehend something about God and about the universe. Faith enables us to understand and believe that God is the Creator of all and that the universe did not come into being by accident but rather by and with divine purpose. As we pause to pray, we can reflect upon the God we are praying to and awe in His power and majesty. He created everything from nothing. What we see encourages us, inspires us, uplifts us, and emboldens us. Yet all of it was made from things that are not visible. What then were they made from? His Word. This verse says the universe was created out of the Word of God.

     As an example, let’s say someone gifts you with a home-made quilt. The textures of the fabric, the colors in the squares, the stitching, the choices of theme and shape are exquisite. Yet, by some miracle, this work of art was not made out of fabric, thread, or batting. No stitching was done by hand or machine. The artist simply spoke it into existence. You hold something precious in your hand that is a treasure to behold. It brings you joy and comfort. But nothing that can be seen was used to make that which you see. Doesn’t this make the gift all that much more of a marvel? And then can’t we extend that marvel to the universe in which we live? We wake, we walk, we work, we wonder in this marvelous universe which our amazing God simply spoke into existence. Were we to begin our prayers with reflection on this incredible truth, what affect might it have on our prayer life? On our personal relationship with the Creator?
     One more thought. We could say that “R” also stands for refreshment. Reflection on our great God can be a refreshment to our souls. Jennifer Ueckert has the following word for us on refreshment:

“We all have times when we are spiritually thirsty, when daily struggles and distractions can keep us from Him. We may not even realize how dehydrated we’ve become. We seem fine. We look fine. We think we are filling ourselves up, yet the insatiable thirst continues. We become parched and weak because there is no substitute for the refreshment only God can provide. Christ has come to give us living water and to give it to us in abundance.”

So . . .  Pause. Yield. Surrender. Reflect. And fill up.                                                                                                                                 

Interested in joining the prayer chain? Contact Phyllis Duff at (765)482-1485/ raduff2@att.net.

“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry;” 1 Timothy 1:12

Dear Heavenly Father, As we consider that this month on the calendar is “pastor appreciation month”, we bring before You those whom You have led into the ministry. You have “enabled” them, which means You have endued them with strength. It is only through Your strength that they can do all things (Phil 4:13). In Your grace, You have strengthened them with the strength which shall never fail. For this we give You praise. You have placed them in “ministry”, in a place to provide relief and service. You have done this because You have counted them “faithful”, trustworthy. Yet I know, dear Lord, that they go forward into ministry because they count You faithful. Thank You for Your bountiful provision for them. Thank You for Your guidance in their lives. Thank You for Your protection every step of their way. We pray that they would find joy and refreshment in You, the One who has called, enabled, and considered them faithful. In Jesus’ name we praise and pray, Amen. 



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