Midweek: Wednesday, November 9th, 2022.


       Midweek 11/9/22



In This Issue:

  •        Reminders
  •          Veterans, bring your photos!                                                            
  •          Music Notes
  •          Christmas Concert
  •          College Care Packages
  •          Harvest Dinner
  •          PPM Update
  •          Celebrations
  •         PPM Update
  •          Christmas Flower Orders!
  •          Live and Learn on Saturdays!
  •         P.R.A.Y.E.R. R.E.Q.U.E.S.T.: E for Extol
  •          Poet’s Corner & Quotable Quotes

“. . . that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:12


Reminders: This Sunday’s after-service-treat will be provided by Bruce McConnell. This Sunday, November 13th, since we will recognize Veterans Day, the greeters will be our veterans. There are open slots to bring treats the weeks of November 20 and 27 as well as the Sundays in December. We invite you to sign up to share something one of those weeks. Whether you’re here to greet or to share a treat, the real treat we enjoy is you!

Veterans, bring your photos!
Veterans, we would love to include a photo of you in uniform with the slides for this Sunday morning. Please either email to the office a copy of a picture of you in uniform OR bring the photo to the church by Saturday lunchtime. (Hint: there will be a lunch served around 11:45on Saturday that you are welcome to stay and enjoy!)

Music Notes: Presbyterian Ringers: Thursday at 6pm, Sanctuary. 
                       Chancel Choir: Rehearsal Thursday at 7pm, Sanctuary
Christmas Concert! 
Central Christian Church has invited our Chancel Choir to sing with them for a     Christmas Concert on Sunday, December 11th at 3pm at CCC, down Main St. Please join us for anthems, solos, carol singing, and Christmas goodies. 

College Care Packages: Please bring any NEW items and snacks that would be fun for a college student to receive in a care package just before final exams. Drop them at church in the Foyer in the box marked "College" no later than Sunday at Noon. Suggestions for items for the care packages: gift cards (i.e., Subway, McDonalds, Burger King, Starbucks); microwave popcorn; gum and/or hard candies; small, prepackaged bags of chips and pretzels; trail mix and/or Chex mix; fruit snacks and granola bars/snack bars.

Harvest Dinner: There will be a Harvest Dinner right after worship on Sunday November 20th. This is the Sunday before Thanksgiving Day. This will be a pitch-in meal. There will NOT be a sign-up sheet – simply bring what and as the Spirit leads you. In Pastor Je’s own words, “If everybody brings mash potatoes, that's fine. If all pumpkin pies, that is fine as well.

PPM Update: We are busy learning about Thanksgiving in our classrooms. Please pray for our Pre-2 classes this month; we are a very busy group of 2 and 3 year olds. Miss Lori and Miss Brooke have fun with these littles ones everyday. Miss Lori is taking on double duty as part time teacher/ Assistant Director. Miss Brooke is a mom of 4 and is currently expecting twin boys. PPM is so blessed to have these wonderful and dedicated women on our team. We appreciate the church praying for and supporting not only the children in these classes but the teachers as well.

     PPM is excited that John Hawks (a former PPM student and Miss Tina's son) just completed his Eagle Project in the courtyard. He pulled out all the old plants and added raised planter boxes so the PPM classes can grow vegetables in the spring. Miss Tina and her husband Steve donated a see through root system box so we can actually see the plant growing. Miss Tina's class has already planted a pumpkin out there. We are excited to see if it grows next year.
     We are hoping to add some rocks to the other end of the courtyard so the children can play with trucks outside. PPM is so lucky to start an outdoor learning area.
     We just started our Annual Popcorn Fundraiser. I will post an order form on the bulletin board. Money raised this year will benefit our scholarship fund as well as provide items for the classrooms. 
     The children have also started practicing for the Christmas Program, We would like to invite you to see us perform on Friday, December 2nd at 10am.    Happy Thanksgiving, Miss Lori Rowe 

to you! We celebrate with you! Know that we love you, and God loves you too!”   Happy birthday to: Marylynn Boatright, 11/15 and George Piper 11/15!


Christmas Flower Orders! Orders are being collected for the LHS Christmas Flower Orders. This is the last day to bring your order and payment to the church.  If you have questions or concerns, please email Gretel in the office (Gretel@lebanonfpc.org) or call (765)482-5959. If you have placed your order but been unable to bring in payment, the church will cover your portion and you can write your check out to the church with a note in the memo line that it is for flowers. Thank you.

Live and Learn on Saturdays: This coming Saturday, November 5th, the Bible study will be led by Pastor Je. Every discussion/study time is fun and informative. We encourage you to stop by. Senior exercise is at 10:30, lunch to follow (usually around 11:30-11:45). Study/discussion follows lunch, at approximately 12:30-12:45. No meeting on Saturday November 26th, due to the Thanksgiving Day holiday.

P.R.A.Y.E.R. R.E.Q.U.E.S.T.

    The E in prayer could stand for “extol”. To extol means to praise highly, to glorify. To glorify means to make glorious by bestowing honor, praise, or admiration; or to give glory. It comes from the Latin “gloria”. According to the King James Version of the Bible, the word “glorify” is in the Bible 22 times. The word “glorified” is in the Bible 49 times. The word “glorious” is in the Bible 44 times. The word “glory” is in the Bible 371 times. The word “praise” is in the Bible 216 times. The word “extol” is in the Bible 4 times. Add up all these numbers, and there is a reference in the Bible at least 706 times to lifting up the Lord on high, giving praise and honor to Him and glorifying Him. That’s a pretty big number! Seems clear it is important to praise and glorify the Lord. What examples do we have before us of extoling the Lord?

     When Jesus was born, angels appeared in fields nearby and praised God saying, “Glory to God in the highest . . .” (Luke 2:14).
     The book of Isaiah chapter 53 lays out Jesus’ crucifixion with amazing specifics. But the introduction of this “suffering servant” begins in the last few verses of chapter 52 and declares that this servant “shall be exalted and extolled, and be very high.” (Isa.52:13b)      
     In the book of Revelation, the apostle John explains that while he was on the isle of Patmos God shared certain revelations with him. One of these was a glimpse into heaven and he saw creatures praising God before His throne. John recorded that these creatures “give glory and honor and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth forever and ever.” John goes on to testify, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power . . .” (Rev. 4:9,11).
    If angels can glorify God in the presence of man, can’t we? Do we? The glorifying of Jesus was prophesied as clearly as his crucifixion. What affect does this have on our understanding of and relation with Jesus? If heavenly beings glorify God before His throne, can we glorify Him on earth? How are we doing that? As one praise and worship song declares: “May all that has breath praise the Lord!”

Poet’s Corner:
The following is a poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872-1906). He was one of the first African American poets to gain national recognition.

“A crust of bread and a corner to sleep in, A minute to smile and an hour to weep in,
A pint of joy to a peck of trouble, And never a laugh but the moans come double. And that is life.
A crust and a corner that love makes precious, With a smile to warm and tears to refresh us,
And joy seems sweeter when cares come after, And a moan is the finest of foils for laughter.
And that is life.”

Quotable quotes:  Quote by Jeremy Taylor, an English clergyman (1613-1667):

“Nothing is intolerable that is necessary. Now God has bound thy trouble to thee, with a design to try thee, and with purposes to reward and crown thee. These cords thou canst not break; and therefore lie thou down gently, and suffer the hand of God to do what He pleases.”                                                                            

Interested in joining the prayer chain? Contact Phyllis Duff at (765)482-1485/ raduff2@att.net.

Dear Heavenly Father, Thou hast created the heavens with all their brilliance. Out of nothing You created everything. You created the darkness and the light. You have ordained both in our lives. May we humbly submit our will to Yours, that You may be glorified. Whether it be over a crust of bread or a full loaf, in a smile or in tears, with laughter or with moaning, may we not forget You listen, You love, You cherish, You support, You wait for us to come to You. So we come. In Your will and Your time, Come, Lord Jesus. Be glorified. Amen.



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