Newsletter: December 2022
Monthly Church Newsletter
Finally the first issue of monthly news-letter is out now which was planned since last June. Monthly Newsletter focuses more on ‘what happened last month,’ while Midweek is more about ‘what to expect this week.’ Since this is the first issue, it covers not only a month, but also most of 2022.
Pastor Je Began in June
Pastor Je was voted in at the congregational meeting on Sun., March 20th and he began his ministry at FPC Lebanon from Wed., June 1st.
For a while he was sleeping at church offices, hotels while his family still staying in Mitchell. His family came up at the end of July and stayed at George Morton’s farm house for a month. Pastor Je and his family finally moved into their permanent housing at 2456 Point Road, Lebanon, IN on Saturday, August 20th.
Celebrating the Graduates
On Sunday, June 12th, we celebrated and recognised the graduating students for their achievements and blessed them for their new chapter in life.
Honouring Korean War Veterans
Korean War broke out on Sunday, June 25th, 1950 by the invasion of North Korea into South. As a Korean American, pastor Je thanked the Korean War Vets at church and had lunch at a Korean restaurant the day before the Korean War Anniversary, Friday, June 24th. Those at the lunch were Dick Self, John Quinn, and George Morton (stationed in Korea after the war). Recently pastor Je learned that Ralph Willard is also a Korean War Vet. He will be invited next year’s lunch.
Car Warranty Saved Pastor Je
Pastor Je’s car broke down on Sunday, June 12th in the middle of an interstate in Indy. It took full 4 weeks to be repaired at Bill Estes in Lebanon. The problem was the hybrid transmission and the service centre estimated the repair cost over $9K. Thankfully the car broke down a month before the warranty expired. Pastor Je thanks Roy Flanary for pressuring the service centre to speed up, and Allen Woods for letting pastor Je drive his car while the car was under repair.
Worship in the Park
The joint worship with the Central Christian Church in the park was at the Memorial Park on Sunday, June 24th. Pastor Je was supposed to lead the worship service and Rev. Nate Kibler was supposed to preach. Rev. Kibler and his whole family had COVID-19 with bad symptoms a few days before the service, and pastor Je also had to preach at the last minute.
Installation of Pastor Je
Pastor Je was installed by the Presbytery of Wabash Valley on Sun., October 9th. Rev. Luke Choi from the Board of Pensions preached. Rev. Alan Griffin charged the congregation. Dr. Ken Sawyer charged pastor Je. Other commission members were: Rev. Steve Quinlan, Rev. Laurel Hamilton, Rev. Kevin Bowers, Arlene Quinn, Kendra Whipkey, Ben Piper, Hank Walters.
New Licence Plate
New licence plates were made and several members bought them for the front of their vehicles. It has the church name on the Easter theme background painting.
Live & Learn
On Saturdays from October, pastor Je began a new activity, Live & Learn. It is a combination of physical exercise, lunch, and Bible Study. The exercise is safe from fall hazard since we do every-thing while sitting down on an armless chair. The lunch is absolutely free (you may contribute if you want). The Bible Study is led by pastor Je and Gretel. Pastor Je leads a topical discussion, and Gretel uses a Bible Study book for Psalm.
Photo Directory
Pastor Je is working on a church photo directory. Many members either took photos with pastor Je at church or submitted their own photos. If you have not participated in one of these ways, please either submit your photos or ask pastor Je to take your photo.
Chancel Choir
One of the best way to glorify our great God is to sing His praises, communally if possible. The easiest way to sing God’s praise communally is to join the choir. Please ask Jennifer Woods. The regular practice is Thursdays 7PM.
Presbyterian Ringers
The Presbyterian Ringers (often called as Bell Choir) glorifies God with beautifully sounding bells in the worship service. If you wish to join the Presbyterian Ringers, please ask Kendra Whipkey. The regular practice is Thursdays 6PM.
Worship Committee
The main and major purpose of any church is to praise God and to worship our Saviour. And that cannot be done by one person. A Worship team meets and discuss how to improve the worship experience and how to glorify our God more properly during our worship services. We are not perfect, but we are trying new things to find out a better way of worship. We began to sing the Lord’s Prayer, shouting the Apostles’ Creed or reciting it in litany style, passing the peace of Christ, and so on. The worship team members are Neal Crouse, Lisa Hutcheson, Janet Landon, Margi McConnaha, Amy Morrison, Leanne Piper, Bess Wilkes, and Jennifer Woods. Worship team meets irregularly upon pastor Je’s request. The meeting is open and you can always join the team. Let pastor Je know.
Harvest Dinner
The harvest dinner was on Sunday before Thanksgiving Day, November 20th after the worship service. Pastor Je cooked two turkeys wrapped in 8 lb bacons. It was a pitch-in dinner and the lovely members brought their tasty foods to share (just like the first churches in the Bible). Thanks to all who participated in various ways.
New Church Website
The church website has not been updated for a while. Pastor Je and Neal Crouse launched a new church website, which is available now with the same web address (
Any ideas, thoughts, suggestions and/or comments concerning the new website are welcome (address it to either pastor Je or the church office). You can find tons of good stuffs at the new church website including Worship Videos and sermons scripts (even from 2016).
Mischief on Meridian
The Mischief on Meridian (Community Trick-or-Treat) was on Saturday, October 29th in the city square. Many members donated candies. The organist, Bud Hunter, played organ music, Neal Crouse showed the overhead presentation. Lisa Erwin, Elizabeth and Sharon Clem distributed the candies to the children who visited the church.
Baptism of Luna
Luna Jayne Nunley, a two and half years old daughter of Echo & Ryan Nunley, was baptised on Sunday, October 30th in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Because of COVID, Luna has not been able to be baptised so far.
Veterans Sunday
On Veterans Sunday (Sunday after the Veterans Day on Friday, November 11th), the heroic veterans of our church was honoured and recognised for their faithful services. We remember and will always do that our peace and wellness in this country is because of their sacrificial dedications. Thank you all Veterans and may God bless you!
Advent and Candle Lighting
Advent began on Sunday, November 27th. On each Advent Sundays, we will light the Advent Candles in order with the theme of the Sundays: Hope (purple), Peace (purple), Joy (pink), and Love (purple). On Christmas Eve Service, we will light the Christ the King Candle (the big white one in the centre). Bess Wilkes and Margi McConnaha lit the Hope candle. Les & Debbie Goodnight will light the Peace candle. Hutcheson family, Joy candle, and Piper family will light the Christ the King candle on Christmas Eve. If you would like to light the Love candle, please let pastor Je or the church office know.
In Memory of…
We have a good and long history in this church. Many saints have come and gone. Though we do not breathe the same air now, we can see and feel their presence in various ways. One of them is the ‘In Memory of’ plate. Each Newsletter will include one plate so that we can know those saints who walked and worshipped before us.
The plate of this month is from the baptismal font which we used for the recent baptism of Luna. The plate is very much worn out and it is difficult to read the writings, but it says:
Liturgist Next Year
If you would like to serve and help as a liturgist for a month next year, please let pastor Je or the church office know.
Christmas Festival
The Community Christmas Festival with the Central Christian Church will be on Sunday, December 11th, 3PM at Central Christian Church.
For Whom the Bell Tolls
At First Presbyterian Church, the bell tolls for Jesus Christ our Saviour to honour His birth and first coming. We began to ring the church bell before and after the worship services on Advent Sundays and Christmas Sunday. Josh Kern tolls 14 times to remind us that Jesus is the Son of David and thus the everlasting King who will sit on the throne for eternity.
Toy Drive
We are collecting new toys (not used ones) for Myrtle Bailey Boone County Toy Drive. If you have a question about the Toy Drive, you can talk to Debbie Crouse.
Grieve Together
Byron E. Loveless passed away on Wednesday, July 6th at the age of 90. He was the father of Cynthia K. Goodnight. His obituary is available online at Myers Mortuary: of Sigmon Myers, Ardella J. Myers, passed away on Tuesday, October 11th at the age of 77. She was one of only a few women business owners in Lebanon. Her obituary is accessible online at Myers Mortuary: of Ron Williams, Mary C. Williams, passed away on Tuesday, November 22nd at the age of 80. She was cremated according to her wish. Let us grieve together and pass the peace and comfort of Christ to Ron and the family. You can see her obituary at This Month
(B) = birthday. (A) = anniversary.
Fri. 2nd (B) Andy Wolfgang, Mary Piper.
Mon. 5th (B) Lisa Erwin.
Wed. 14th (A) John & Arlene Quinn.(B) Nancy Williams.
Thu. 15th (B) Emily Weddington.
Fri. 16th (B) Nancy Kincaid, Scott Hutcheson.
Sun. 18th (A) Dennis & Teresa Brannon.
Tue. 20th (A) Jerry & Nancy Jones.(A) Steve & Lynna Shaw.(B) Tyler Meyer, William Meyer.
Sun. 25th (B) Jesus Christ.
Mon 26th (B) Evan Wolfgang.
Fri. 30th (A) Roy & Kathy Flanary.(A) Scott & Lisa Hutcheson.
Sat. 31st (B) Susan Kries.
Serving This Month
Elder of the Month: Dennis Brannon.
Liturgist: Bess Wilkes.
Important Days
Sun. 11th, 3PM: Community Christmas Festival at Central Christian Church.
Wed. 21st, 7PM: Service of Comfort and Peace (or Longest Night Service).
Sat. 24th, 7PM: Christmas Eve Service.
Join Us
Want to write something in the newsletter? Want so share your story? Please contact pastor Je.
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