Midweek: Wednesday, January 11, 2023.


Midweek 1-11-23

In This Issue:           

  •          Music Notes & Special Music-y Request       
  •          Reminders
  •          Greeters & Liturgists           
  •          Special Connections Meeting Jan.17th
  •          Celebrations & Live and Learn
  •          Zionsville Banquet!
  •          Invitation to Share Knowledge & Experience
  •          PPM Update
  •          A Testimony of Hope

“. . . that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:12

Music Notes:
Chancel Choir Rehearsals are on hiatus until February 2nd.

MUSICIAN PARTY!    Saturday, January 21st 6pm~Allen and Jennie's~1500 Sunnybrook Lane ~ Lebanon, IN 46052.   Singers, Ringers, Accompanists, and their spouses or guests are invited for an evening of song, food, memories, cocktails, and laughter! 

Special Music-y Request: Please bring, put in Jennie's mailbox, (or send digitally to jenniewoods1966@gmail.com) any pictures or memorabilia of the Chancel Choir, Presbyterian Ringers, Cherub Choir, Carol Choir, Cantatas, or worship ministry over the years so we can put together a display for a future celebration of worship at FPC.

Reminders: Liturgist for January is Arlene Quinn. There is no scheduled greeter for this Sunday. Treat bringer for Sunday the 15th is Bess Wilkes.

Greeters: Why do we have greeters? Is it important? Is it necessary? When there is a greeter who meets you at the door, there is an automatic welcome. There is a “thank you for coming”. There is a “we are so glad to see you”. And these are genuine sentiments. We may feel that way anyway, but to communicate it verbally and physically leaves a lasting impression on the mind and heart of each individual. It communicates kindness and compassion. It speaks love to each person who comes through the doors. Does this sound intimidating to you? We can give you pointers and tips to bring it down-to-earth. Do you prefer to work with a friend? Sign up two or more at a time and do it with a friend! Want to give it a shot but don’t know what to say or do? We can help! Sign up and let us know your need and concerns. Contact Gretel in the office and she will put you in touch with other like-minded folk. Thank you for your generosity of spirit and willingness to serve. Is greeting people at the door and/or handing out bulletins serving the body? Absolutely!

Liturgists: Liturgists are a gift to the body of Christ. It is a blessing to those who share the liturgy as well as those who listen. It is an investment in time and energy, but the dividends reach beyond the service. The exercise of sharing the Word with the body of Christ and leading the body in a posture of prayer and worship reaches into the hearts of each listener, both those present in the building and those listening on-line. Only the Lord knows how the expression, the words, and the personal touch will impact the listeners. We invite you to consider being a liturgist for a month during the year 2023. If you have questions about what is required of liturgists, would like tips or training, or would like to speak with anyone who has served in this position before, please contact Gretel in the office and she will answer your questions or put you in touch with someone who can. First Presbyterian Church values the input of each and every one of you. We recognize there are a variety of gifts in the body of Christ, and we want to support you in exercising your gifts. Does any of this strike a chord with you? Please reach out to us: Gretel@lebanonfpc.org or (765)482-5959.

Sign-ups are on the hallway bulletin board for: Liturgists & Greeters & Treats. Please add your name to the lists or contact Gretel in the office and she can put you down for a spot.

Special Connections Meeting Jan.17th: Bess Wilkes and Debbie Crouse are hosting a special Connections Meeting on Tuesday the 17th , church library, 11am-2pm. The focus will be on Little Dresses For Africa. The group will be cutting and ripping material for dresses. There will be sack lunches. Coffee and tea provided. Please bring your own beverage if you wish something different. Please come lend a hand and enjoy the fellowship! Questions? Contact Gretel in the office or Debbie Crouse at: flutnut@aol.com

“Congratulations to you! We celebrate with you! Know that we love you, and God loves you too!”   Happy birthday to Jerry Jones, 1/15! 

Live and Learn on Saturdays: Live & Learn Saturday January 14th will be a Psalms study. We will go over Psalm 25. Please bring your study guide book and a Bible. We will have Bibles to share if you aren’t able to bring yours. Hope to see you there!

Zionsville Banquet! The Zionsville Spring Great Banquets are just around the corner!  The Women's Banquet is March 2-5, and the Men's Banquet is March 16-19.  The Banquets are held at Zionsville Presbyterian Church.  Come enjoy food, fellowship, and the love and grace of Jesus Christ for 72 hours.  Complete the Guest Application at www.zpc.org/great-banquet/.  There is room at His table, and you are invited!

Invitation to Share Knowledge & Experience: An invitation is being extended to the body of FPC to share knowledge of life skills and work experience. Janet Landon works with GED students and Independent Living students at the Indiana United Methodist Children’s Home here in Lebanon. She endeavors to help equip these students for occupational opportunities beyond high school. It is enormously beneficial when these students can meet people from different occupations and hear firsthand accounts of their work history: How did they get where they are? Did they struggle in school? What worked and what didn’t to prepare them and to overcome challenges? What can these students avoid and what should they strive for?

For example, recently Janet had a former youth group member from FPC come and talk to the students about being an electrician. This person struggled in high school, but was incredibly intelligent. He spent time explaining to the youth about the choices which he made, including those decisions which ultimately led to negative consequences.
How did this testimony affect the students? One of the youth really connected with this guest speaker.  The student was failing math and struggling to do what was asked of him. The day after this guest speaker, the student shared with Janet how helpful it was to hear that someone else struggled like he does. In 3 weeks’ time this student was able to bring his grade up, largely due to the interaction he had with the guest speaker.
            How can you here at FPC invest in the lives of these young people and make an impact on their future? This church body is full of people with interesting jobs and backgrounds. There is a wealth of experience, expertise, and compassion that can be shared with the students from the Indiana United Methodist Children’s Home. If you are interested in visiting Janet Landon’s class and sharing with them, please email her: janetl@iumch.org

PPM Update: Happy new year ! We are back in session and excited to start the new year. We have a few new friends that started this month in the toddler class and one in Miss Lori’s pre-2 class. We are still looking for a few guests to read to class rooms once a week. If you’re interested in being a reader, please let me know.

This month I would ask that you pray for Miss Nakia Dixon and Miss Beth Brown. These ladies teach our Pre-5 class ( 4 year olds). Miss Nakia has been with PPM for about 7 years and is mom to Emerlyn ( pre5) and Kynzlee ( toddler class ). This is Miss Beth’s third year at PPM; her husband retired and she decided to go back to work. Her daughter is Mrs. Toleos who teaches Pre-k.We are incredibly blessed to have these amazing women working with the children at PPM. Please continue to pray for Miss Brooke as she is getting closer to having her twins arrive and is experiencing some signs of delivering her babies early. 
    We appreciate all that the church does for PPM.  Blessing for a great 2023! ~ Miss Lori 

A Testimony of Hope: In Psalm 71, the Psalmist honestly identifies that he has seen “many troubles and calamities”, and yet his response is one of faith and praise. The Psalmist testifies that God “will revive me again” (Psalm 71:20). Can we admit experiencing troubles and calamities and in the same breath offer sincere praise to God? “For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O Lord from my youth.” (v.5). The Psalmist declares “I will hope continually, and will praise you yet more and more.” (v.14). Hope is a powerful commodity. To hope continually is more powerful yet. What can revive us when we are weak in faith and in body? What can breathe strength into us when all else fails? What can be our companion when we are alone and lonely? What can restore us when we falter or when we are inundated by the cares and burdens of life? Hope. Hope is an anchor in the storm. Hope is the lighthouse on the bluff. Hope is the fog horn sounding through clouds that descend and linger. Hope is our home port. Can you testify to God’s hope in your life? Do you have a testimony of the transformation which hope brings? I would love to hear it. If you have a story of hope you would like to share, please prayerfully consider sharing it with me. You can email me at the office: Gretel@lebanonfpc.org  Please include with your story whether you would give me permission to share it in future Midweeks. Let us encourage each other: “. . . that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:12                                

Interested in joining the prayer chain? Contact Phyllis Duff at (765)482-1485/ raduff2@att.net.

Prayer taken from Psalm 71:22-2 (NRSV) and hymn “Hope of the World”, lyrics by Georgia Harkness
Dear Heavenly Father, “I will also praise you with the harp for your faithfulness, O my God; I will sing praises to you with the lyre, O Holy One of Israel. My lips will shout for joy when I sing praises to you; my soul also, which you have rescued. All day long my tongue will talk of your righteous help, for those who tried to do me harm have been put to shame, and disgraced.”

“Hope of the world, thou Christ of great compassion: speak to our fearful hearts by conflict rent; save us thy people, from consuming passion, who by our own false hopes and aims are spent.
Hope of the world, God’s gift from highest heaven, bringing to hungry souls the bread of life: still let thy Spirit unto us be given to heal earth’s wounds and end our bitter strife.
Hope of the world, afoot on dusty highways, showing to wandering souls the path of light: walk thou beside us lest the tempting byways lure us away from thee to endless strife.
Hope of the world, who by thy cross didst save us from death and deep despair, from sin and guilt: we render back the love thy mercy gave us; take thou our lives and use them as thou wilt.
Hope of the world, O Christ, o’er death victorious, who by this sign didst conquer grief and pain: we would be faithful to thy gospel glorious; thou art our Lord! Thou dost forever reign.” Amen.


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