Midweek: Wednesday, January 4th, 2023.


Midweek 1-4-23

In This Issue:           

  •          Music Notes & Special Music-y Request       
  •          Reminders: Star Sunday! Lunch after service!             
  •          Celebrations & Live and Learn
  •          PPM Update
  •          Freedom to Choose a New Beginning

“. . . that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:12

Music Notes:
Chancel Choir Rehearsals are on hiatus until February 2nd. We WILL be singing "Follow the Star" on Sunday, January 8th for Epiphany, so please look it over and prepare to be at church to rehearse on the Sunday January 8th at 9:30am. 

MUSICIAN PARTY!    Saturday, January 21st 6pm~Allen and Jennie's~1500 Sunnybrook Lane
Lebanon, IN 46052
Singers, Ringers, Accompanists, and their spouses or guests are invited for an evening of song, food, memories, cocktails, and laughter! 

Special Music-y Request: Please bring, put in Jennie's mailbox, (or send digitally to jenniewoods1966@gmail.com) any pictures or memorabilia of the Chancel Choir, Presbyterian Ringers, Cherub Choir, Carol Choir, Cantatas, or worship ministry over the years so we can put together a display for a future celebration of worship at FPC.

Reminders: Star Sunday this Sunday! Communal lunch after service! Liturgist for January is Arlene Quinn. Greeter for January 8th is Bess Wilkes. Treat bringer for next Sunday the 15th is Bess Wilkes. Sign-ups on the hallway bulletin board for: Liturgists & Greeters & Treats. Please add your name to the lists or contact Gretel in the office and she can put you down for a spot.

M&M’s! M&M’s were prepared with a special, fun message for the Christmas services. Since the services were not in-person, the M&M treats were not shared but are still available! We would love to share with you! Please stop in and receive an M&M treat on us!

to you! We celebrate with you! Know that we love you, and God loves you too!”   Happy birthday to John Morton on Jan.2nd and Leeza Finch on Jan. 9th!

Poinsettias to pick up! Beautiful poinsettias have graced our sanctuary this December. Thank you to those who shared them with us. Please take them home after service this Sunday.

Live and Learn on Saturdays: Live & Learn Saturday January 7th will be movie day instead of Bible study. The movie will be “The Case for Christ” with a discussion following. The following Saturday, the 14th, will be another Psalms study. Psalm 25.

PPM Update: Happy new year ! We are back in session and excited to start the new year. We have a few new friends that started this month in the toddler class and one in Miss Lori’s pre-2 class. We are still looking for a few guests to read to class rooms once a week. If you’re interested in being a reader, please let me know.

This month I would ask that you pray for Miss Nakia Dixon and Miss Beth Brown. These ladies teach our Pre-5 class ( 4 year olds). Miss Nakia has been with PPM for about 7 years and is mom to Emerlyn ( pre5) and Kynzlee ( toddler class ). This is Miss Beth’s third year at PPM; her husband retired and she decided to go back to work. Her daughter is Mrs. Toleos who teaches Pre-k.We are incredibly blessed to have these amazing women working with the children at PPM. Please continue to pray for Miss Brooke as she is getting closer to having her twins arrive and is experiencing some signs of delivering her babies early. 
We appreciate all that the church does for PPM.  Blessing for a great 2023! ~ Miss Lori 

Freedom to Choose a New Beginning. Before us beckons a new year. Only God knows what options lie before us and what paths we will take. We have recently come from the celebration of Christmas, during which we remembered the birth of Jesus Christ. Just before us awaits the recognition of the “wise men” who made a choice and followed a path that led to the worship of Jesus Christ: “For we are come,” they said, “to worship him.” (Matthew 2:2).

There are other stories in the Bible that present the freedom of choice. One example is that of the scene at Golgotha, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. There hung three men on three crosses. All three received the same kind of treatment, but all three respond differently to it. And one was there for an entirely different reason than the other two – or than anyone else in history ever will be. “Two others also, who were criminals, were led away to be put to death with him. When they came to the place that is called The Skull, they crucified Jesus there with the criminals, one on his right and one on his left.” (Luke 23:32-33). The people who watched scoffed. (v.35). The soldiers on duty in the area mocked. (v.36). One of the criminals derided Jesus. (v.39). The other criminal rebuked the first criminal. (v.40) He defended Jesus. Then he expressed his faith: “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” (v.42). This man made a choice and followed a path. He did not follow a star but he did follow the same Savior. He did not travel from the East but rather hung on a cross, and in his own way he worshipped.
On January 1st  Pastor Je shared about resolutions and encouraged us to choose balance and to aim higher. He advised and recommended, but he then gave us the freedom to choose. God does the same. God lets us choose. Within this gift to choose is the gift of freedom. The wise men were free to choose and they chose to follow and to worship. The criminals were free to choose and only one chose to follow and worship. Max Lucado put it this way in his book They Walked With God:
“David and Saul, both kings in Israel. David chooses God. Saul chooses power. And God lets him. Peter and Judas, both deny their Lord. Peter seeks mercy. Judas seeks death. And God lets him.”
What are we choosing? Are we settling for pittance when God would give us treasure? Are we looking to merely fill our time when God wants to fill our eternity? Which side of Christ will we be on? What will we choose in this bright new year?

“What more shall I say about this mystery? I see a carpenter and a manger, an infant and swaddling clothes, a virgin giving birth without the necessities of life; nothing but poverty and complete destitution. But have you ever seen wealth in the midst of such poverty? How could he who was rich have become so poor for our sake that he had neither bed nor bedding, but was laid in a manger? O immeasurable wealth concealed in poverty! He lies in a manger, yet he shakes the whole world. He is bound with strips of swaddling clothes, but he breaks the bonds of sin. Before he could speak, he taught wise men and converted them.” – John Chrysostom (ca. 347-407).                                                                             

Interested in joining the prayer chain? Contact Phyllis Duff at (765)482-1485/ raduff2@att.net.

Dear Heavenly Father, Scripture calls us to: “Arise, shine; for your light has come.” (Isa.60:1a). The light does not come from us. The light is that of “the glory of the Lord” (Isa.60:1b) Scripture promises that though “darkness shall cover the earth and thick darkness the peoples,” darkness is not the end of the story. “The Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will appear over you.” (Isa.60:2) Thank You, Father! May we be among those people who, though we have walked in darkness, now can say that we “have seen a great light”. Though we may live in a land of deep darkness, may we testify that we have seen Your light shine. (Isa.9:2) And may that light shine in our lives. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


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