Midweek: Wednesday, February 8th, 2023.
Midweek 2-8-23
This Issue:
- Music Notes
- Live and Learn
- Parking Information
- Reminders &
- Souper Bowl Sunday
- Connections Coming in
- Sound Enhancement
- Adult Sunday School
- Nursery
- Zionsville Banquet!
- PPM Update
- Session Updates Covid Safety Protocols
- Standing In The Gap
“. . . that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:12
Music Notes: No upcoming rehearsals for Presbyterian Ringers or Chancel Choir. Chancel Choir Rehearsals will resume February 9th. The choir will sing on both Sunday, Feb.12th and Sunday, Feb.26th.
Live and Learn on Saturdays: Live & Learn Saturday February 11th. Senior Exercise at 10:30, lunch following- between 11:30 and 11:45, study following – around 12:30. The study will be on the second chapter of Luke with Pastor Je.
Parking Information Update: From the Session: Parking is available for Sunday church and Thursday night music practice in the Reporter lot on N. East Street and the Insurance Agency lot at the corner of N. East Street and Main Street. No parking in the Airy Time lot. There is no parking in the small lot on Main Street, but the larger lot directly behind it is public parking and you may park in that larger lot. Please observe the signs for those two lots. Thank you for your cooperation. We are all aware that parking is at a premium in downtown Lebanon. We desire to do the best we can to support you and provide for you in this area, so you can enjoy coming to worship at FPC.
Reminders: Please welcome Neal Crouse as liturgist for February. Greeter for Sunday, Feb.12th is Bob and Phyllis Duff. No treat bringer as there will be a communal lunch after the service on Feb. 12th. Sign-ups are on the hallway bulletin board for: Liturgists & Greeters & Treats. Please add your name to the lists or contact Gretel in the office and she can put you down for a spot.
“Congratulations to you! We celebrate with you! Know that we love you, and God loves you too!” Happy birthday to Evan Whipkey, 2/8; Meredith Erwin, 2/16; and Michelle Dies, 2/19!
Souper Bowl Sunday Supper: The Worship Committee is inviting you to our Souper Bowl Sunday Supper this Sunday after worship. You will be receiving a separate email from "Sign Up Genius". Register your Name/Phone/Email address there and then you can sign up for what you would like to bring. Can't wait to see you. If you have any trouble signing up on sign Up Genius contact Jennie Woods (765) 891-0649 & she will walk you through it. It is very simple and we will be using this tool to coordinate all of our church events. See you Sunday!
Connections Coming in February! The date is yet to be determined but there will be a Connections Meeting in February. You will be notified once there is more information to share.
Ear Sound enhancement devices
Adult Sunday School: Starting 2/12, this Sunday in the library from 9:30 to 10:15. "Meeting Jesus at the Table" is an 8 week Lenten Bible study. Books are $11.05 each plus tax. Imagine yourself going on a glorious and nourishing progressive dinner. At each stop we gather at a different table with Jesus, learning how to love, serve, and expand the hospitality of God's grace to others. Please come and join the feast. Debbie Crouse will be leading the study.
Nursery: We have space for a nursery for ages infant to 3 yrs. However we need a couple of volunteers to take care of the children during the 10:30 service. If you feel you are being called to be a part of this ministry please call Gretel and let her know.
Zionsville Banquet! The Zionsville Spring Great Banquets are just around the corner! The Women's Banquet is March 2-5, and the Men's Banquet is March 16-19. The Banquets are held at Zionsville Presbyterian Church. Come enjoy food, fellowship, and the love and grace of Jesus Christ for 72 hours. Complete the Guest Application at www.zpc.org/great-banquet/. There is room at His table, and you are invited!
PPM Update: What a great start to February! Can you believe we are starting enrollment for the 2023-24 school year this month. We have received our new benches thanks to a grant from Boone County Solid Waste Management. We have one bench in the courtyard, and one placed in the playground. We are also getting ready to add a sunshade and a few more items to the play area. We also have received a grant through United Way to enhance our literacy curriculum. We will be purchasing re-telling story kits and brand-new books to go with the kits. The teachers can use these items for story time and for their learning centers. With the grant we will be able to purchase a brand-new book for each child from a list of 100 books to read before kindergarten. March 21st we will be hosting a Family Night with storyteller Mary Jo Huff and dinner for the families. We are excited to host this event.
COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS: Please make note of the following
pieces of information regarding the steps FPC is taking to maintain your safety
and well-being:
Standing In The Gap
Interested in joining the prayer chain? Contact Phyllis Duff at (765)482-1485/ raduff2@att.net.
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