Midweek Newsletter: Wednesday, November 1st, 2023.




NOVEMBER 1st, 2023





128 E. Main St. ~ Lebanon, IN 46052~ (765)482-5959

https://www.lebanonfpc.org ~ office@lebanonfpc.org

In the midweek newsletter this week:

~ Reminders, including a couple extra reminders

~ Celebrations

~ Music Notes, including advent choir info

~ PPM Bundt Cake Fundraiser

~ PPM Update

~ General Election Early Voting Info

~ Weekly Devotional & Prayer Room


Live & Learn will resume this Saturday in the Church Library at 11:30.

Liturgist for November is Roy Flanary; Elder is Amy Morrison.

Communion Sunday is this Sunday.

Daylight Savings Time Ends This Weekend: Meaning, on Sunday morning there is a time change. Please remember we “fall back” one hour beginning Sunday morning. Enjoy your extra of sleep!

When coming in and out of the church building, please be mindful who you let in with you. Cold temperatures are setting in, and in the past this has been an occasion for people who desire assistance to stop in. We do have a sign posted now on the front doors as to the fact that we do not accept walk-ins (for the sake of the safety of those in the building, particularly during Preschool hours.) However, not everyone reads the sign. Parents of preschool students have their own key and will not need assistance getting in. They are also reminded on a very regular basis not to let anyone else in beyond their own family.

So again, if you do not know the person, as uncomfortable as it may be, please do not admit them. Close the doors behind you and, once in the building, you can go to the Preschool office or the Church office and inform staff of the situation and we will handle it. If you are asked, or if you are unaware, we partner with The Caring Center here in Lebanon, and we direct folks in need of assistance to these competent and caring professionals. Thank you.


Happy Birthday to: Carolyn Dunham, 11/2; Hank Walters, 11/4; Rob Bevington, 11/8.

Happy Anniversary to: Ken & Pam Dies, 11/3; Neal & Debbie Crouse, 11/7.

Music Notes:

Presbyterian Ringers Rehearse: 6:30pm Wednesday, Nov. 1st (That’s today!)

Advent Choir Commitment

     If you are available and willing to commit to rehearsing at least 6 times between now and Christmas Eve, please let Jennie know. Jenniewoods1966@gmail.com 

     Rehearsals will be Thursdays at 630pm and 1 mandatory rehearsal on Saturday December 9th at 10am. Please do not commit if you cannot make it to all of these rehearsals. 


PPM Bundt Cake Fundraiser:

This is the last week for the Bundt Cake fundraiser! Deadline for orders and payment is Nov. 6th. The funds they raise will go towards new dramatic play and science items in the classrooms. This is a delicious way to support PPM. The mini bundt cakes are $6 a piece, are made by Zionsville’s Nothing But Bundt. They come in a wide range of flavors. (Flavors: Chocolate Chocolate Chip, Lemon, Red Velvet, White Chocolate Raspberry, Carrot, Confetti, Classic Vanilla, Strawberries and Cream, Snickerdoodle, Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie)

The orders will be in before Thanksgiving. These cakes freeze very well, so you can stock up and share or enjoy them at a future time. Make checks out to PPM. You can send your order to Gretel via email and bring/mail-in money separately or fill out the order sheet on the hallway bulletin board on a Sunday morning and leave the payment on Gretel’s office desk. Thank you for helping support PPM’s sweet ministry with this sweet fundraiser!  

PPM Update: Please continue your prayers for the staff, teachers and students of this important ministry.

General Election Early Voting Dates: Absentee Voting at the Boone County Courthouse has begun Available times are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-4 through Nov.2. More dates, times and locations are posted on the bulletin board across from the church office .

Fundraiser for Boy Scouts: There is an opportunity to support the Boy Scouts and get a great deal on pizza at the same time! Boy Scouts Pack 359 Troop is selling discount cards to Pizza Hut for $10. This card gets you a discount up to 4 times for Dine-In or Carryout. It includes offers for $9 Large 1-topping pizzas, BOGO Pasta Dinner and Personal Pan Pizza, $.70 Boneless Wings, a $5 dessert, and a $1 Medium pizza with purchase of a large specialty pizza. You can purchase these cards by visiting Jon Hause Surveying and Engineering at 105 N Meridian St in Lebanon. For more information, you can email Jon at jon@hausesurveyingandengineering.com (Information courtesy of Missy Krulik from the Heart of Lebanon.)

Weekly Devotional: God is in Control

            I am currently dealing with some health issues, and I’ll be honest with you – at times it’s left me feeling a bit like things are out of control. However, though it may very well feel out of control, and it may in fact be out of my control, it is not out of God’s control.

            Can you relate to this perspective? Scripture testifies that God is sovereign. His knowledge is so wonderful and His understanding so vast, it is far beyond us. Psalm 139 is a great resource for reminders of who God is and what kind of relationship He has with us.

The Lord searches us and knows us (Psalm 139:1)

The Lord knows all our comings and goings (Psalm 139:2)

The Lord understands what’s happening in our lives far ahead of time (v.3)

The Lord protects us and remains near us (v.5)

There is nowhere we can go where He is not already there. In the dark? In the waiting room? In the fog? You are not alone. The Lord is there. (v.7-12)

The Lord knows every detail about us, we are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. Scripture says we are “marvelous works” (v.14-16)

The Lord knew every one of our days before they ever came to be. (v.16)

God’s thoughts are too numerous to count! They are more in number than the grains of sand! (v.17,18)

While we are sleeping, God is not. He is awake and aware at all times. (v.18 & Psalm 121:3,4)

God is a Holy, righteous God. (v.19-22)

God searches us, knows us, and leads us (v.23,24)

Prayer Room:

Prayer is important to the body of First Presbyterian Church. Are you interested in joining the prayer chain? Would you like to learn more about the role of prayer in our lives? Please contact Phyllis Duff, Prayer Coordinator, at (765)482-1485/ raduff2@att.net.

The following prayer is taken from Psalm 139: 17, 18, 14, 24

Dear Heavenly Father, how precious are Your thoughts to me! How great is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would be more in number than the sand. I will praise You! Marvelous are Your works! Search me, O God, and know my heart . . . and lead me in the way everlasting. Amen. 


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