Midweek Newsletter: Wednesday, November 8th, 2023.




NOVEMBER 8th, 2023




128 E. Main St. ~ Lebanon, IN 46052~ (765)482-5959

https://www.lebanonfpc.org ~ office@lebanonfpc.org


In the midweek newsletter this week:

~ Reminders & Celebrations

~ Music Notes

~ Interested in Poinsettias?

~ Would you like a PCUSA 2024 calendar?

~ Tribute to Veterans

~ PPM Update

~ Weekly Devotional & Prayer Room


Live & Learn this Saturday in the Church Library at 11:30.

Liturgist for November is Roy Flanary; Elder is Amy Morrison.

BYOB: Bring Your Own Burger meets this Friday in the Church Library. Bring your own lunch, meet with us at 11:30 – no agenda, no pressure, just time for a friendly lunch.

Live for Life Sunday is this Sunday. The following is Live for Life’s Needed Items List:

·         New pillows

·         Personal Hygiene Products – toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, women’s razors, deodorant, lotion, shampoo and conditioner, tampons and feminine napkins

·         Gently used or new shoes

·         Zip closure plastic bags, regular or freezer: sandwich size, quart size, gallon 

·         Cleaning supplies

·         Laundry supplies

·         Large trash bags

When coming in and out of the church building, please be mindful who you let in with you. Cold temperatures are setting in, and in the past this has been an occasion for people who desire assistance to stop in. We do have a sign posted now on the front doors as to the fact that we do not accept walk-ins (for the sake of the safety of those in the building, particularly during Preschool hours.) However, not everyone reads the sign. Parents of preschool students have their own key and will not need assistance getting in. They are also reminded on a very regular basis not to let anyone else in beyond their own family.

So again, if you do not know the person, as uncomfortable as it may be, please do not admit them. Close the doors behind you and, once in the building, you can go to the Preschool office or the Church office and inform staff of the situation and we will handle it. If you are asked, or if you are unaware, we partner with The Caring Center here in Lebanon, and we direct folks in need of assistance to these competent and caring professionals. Thank you.

Celebrations: Happy birthday to a really great crew. We love each one of you. We hope your year is exciting and new and that you remember God loves you!

Happy Birthday to: Marylynn Boatright, 11/15; George Piper III, 11/15; Ralph Willard, 11/17; Cindy Goodnight, 11/18; Sam Piper, 11/18!

Music Notes:

Do you hear what I hear? Well probably not yet, but during Advent you will! The theme  this year will be “Joy to the World” and we need you to make a joyful noise!

Unfortunately, we do not have enough singers to fill a choir so we will not be having an Advent Choir this year. However, the great news is that there will be plenty of opportunities for solos, small ensembles, duets, etc. Jennie Woods is offering to help those who would like it, by appointment. Please contact her no later than Thanksgiving, if you would like her assistance on singing or playing for the Advent season; she can help you set up a time for “a help session”, as well as get your music and info to Lisa. Jennie advises that you will need the name of the piece, the music needed, and the accompanist arranged before you can be placed on the list.

If you are interested in singing, playing an instrument, or anything else that will enhance the worship during Advent, you can also email Lisa at lisahutcheson@yahoo.com or talk to her at church.

The first Sunday of Advent is November 26th – so it’s coming up fast, folks!

Interested in Poinsettias? It may seem a bit early – and it is – but let’s get a head start on this, shall we? Thanks to Lisa Hutcheson’s reminder to me this week, I have already called the florist and am getting the ball rolling so that beautiful poinsettias can grace the sanctuary once again this December. I do not yet have details on exactly what varieties will be available this year or what the cost will be – but let’s start with what we had last year: red, white, pink, and red & white marble poinsettias. At this stage, if you know for sure you would like one, let me know and I will put you on my list. If you would like to dedicate your flower to someone, in celebration of or in memory of someone in particular, please let me know. I will include that information in worship service information so we can honor those individuals. Please pass on to me the name and if you have a special message you would like to share along with it: over email – gretel@lebanonfpc.org, over the phone – (765)482-5959, or left on my desk over the weekend. I will share more information with you as I have it. Thank you.

Would you like a PCUSA 2024 calendar? This is a calendar with planning aids for pastors and other church leaders, but the additions in this calendar may be of interest to others as well. They highlight, among other things, special days, liturgical days, liturgical colors, and resource information. They are $16.95 a piece (unless ordering 10 or more and then they are $14.50). If you would like one, please let Gretel know in the office. Checks should be made out to the church with a memo that it is for a calendar. Please let Gretel know of your interest by Nov. 20th. Thank you.

Tribute to Veterans: This is a reminder of a community wide event, provided by the YMCA at the Lebanon Memorial Park on Thursday, Nov.9th: 11am-noon there will be a drive-thru meal shared with every veteran. Please enter and exit through the East Ulen Dr. entrance. Follow the signs to receive the delicious meal prepared for you and shared with love and thanksgiving for all you have done for your country.

PPM Update: Happy November! We are back from fall break and ready to learn. This month our classes will be talking about Thanksgiving, families and Veterans Day. We are trying to get outside as much as possible before the cold weather comes. 

This month I would like for you to pray for Miss Jordyn in Pre3 and Miss Tina in Pre 4. This is Jordyn's second year with us and Miss Tina has been at PPM for about 16 years. Miss Jordyn is the mom of 3 boys and Miss Tina has 3 children as well, and a son-in-law that she considers her 4th child. Both of these amazing ladies have so many wonderful gifts and talents that they bring to our program. They are kept busy daily with our 3 and 4 year olds, and are doing fun things in their  classroom.

We are full swing into preparing for our Christmas program and having fun learning new songs with Miss Mea. Please join us December 1st at 10:30 for our special guest performance.

During the month of October our classes learned about Community Helpers and we had Sheriff Dixon, Officer Carlson, a few nurses and a K-9 officer and his dog Chase come and read to a few classes. We also had the Lebanon Fire Department come and visit and teach us about Fire Safety.

We are still looking for a few readers for the classes upstairs, if you are interested in reading once a week to a class please let me know.

PPM will be honoring all Veterans and Military this Friday by wearing Red, White and Blue. 

Weekly Devotional: The Story Continues

“So the wall was finished on the twenty-fifth day of the month . . .” Nehemiah 6:15

At the end of chapter six in the book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah reports that the wall of Jerusalem was finished. The wall was finished, but the story was not. There was more work to be done in Jerusalem then just building the wall.   

There may be areas in our lives where some work has been accomplished, and yet the story isn’t over. Can we celebrate what has been achieved? Certainly! But perhaps we are not quite done yet. Bear us up, dear Lord, when that road stretching before us looks particularly long.

I encourage you, my friends, to take heart in the counsel from the apostle Paul: “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:9, 10).  

We may stand atop a finished wall and yet still look out on a vast field of work still to be accomplished. This view can be overwhelming! Only God knows the “date of publication”, when our story is finished and all the work has been done. Instead of feeling discouraged at what lies before us, can we be encouraged that our stories are not about solitary characters? We are in this together! If there is more work to be done, then the Lord will be there with us, supplying strength, guidance, and support to get the job done. (Philippians 4:13) God is not done with us yet.

There are those, even within this sweet fellowship, whose stories have been published. God has taken them home and their work is done. There are holes which we cannot fill and silences which remain, but their legacy lives on and they have earned a place of rest. The beauty of their lives is now written and laid out before us. We can celebrate the lives lived while also learning from them as we forge ahead in the continued creation of our own tale.

Prayer Room:

Prayer is important to the body of First Presbyterian Church. Are you interested in joining the prayer chain? Would you like to learn more about the role of prayer in our lives? Please contact Phyllis Duff, Prayer Coordinator, at (765)482-1485/ raduff2@att.net.

Dear Heavenly  Father, we praise You for the story You are telling through each of us - Your story. Thank You for the work “on the wall” which You have enabled us to finish. I pray that You would continue to equip us and sustain us for the work still to come. Protect us against our enemy who wishes to thwart our work, Your work. May Your name be praised and may You be honored and glorified through our story. Amen. 





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