Midweek Newsletter: Wednesday, January 10th, 2024.
10th, 2024
128 E. Main St. ~ Lebanon, IN
46052~ (765)482-5959
https://www.lebanonfpc.org ~ office@lebanonfpc.org
~ Reminders
~ BYOB, Jan. 12th
~ Gourmet Seekers: interested?
~ Celebrations
~ Installation of Elder
~ Warning on Requests for Money
~ No Communal Lunch in January
~ PPM Update
~ Weekly Devotional & Prayer Room
Live & Learn: Live
& Learn will resume Saturday the 13th, meeting at 11:30 in the
church library, lunch included.
Liturgist: for January is Bess Wilkes.
Elder: for January is Amy Morrison
Live for Life Sunday is this Sunday. As a reminder, you are welcome to bring the following items for the Live for Life Box in the lobby. You are also welcome to give monetarily by writing on your check or donation envelope “Live for Life Sunday”. Thank you for sharing!
Live for Life accepts the following donated
items: New pillows/ personal hygiene products; gently used or new
shoes/zip closure bags in various sizes/large trash bags/cleaning and laundry
Other ways to give to Live for Life: There is
an option on their website to become an “Ongoing Live for Life Sponsor”. The
cost is $29 a month. There is a form online you would fill out to sign up for
this option. There is another option to become a mentor or board member. There
is an application on their website to fill out for that opportunity. Listed on
that form are ways to help, and, in addition to “board member” and “mentor”,
there are the options of “fundraiser”, “educator”, and “other”.
BYOB/ “Happy Meal”: Friday, January 12th, at 11:30, you are invited to bring your lunch and meet with us in the library to enjoy each other’s company. Hope to see you there! (Don’t be scared away by the new name Gretel coined: instead of BYOB - and any misleading impressions that term inspires! -Join us for a Happy Meal!)
Gourmet Seekers: Interested? Gourmet Seekers goes to Klooz Brewz January 26th. Would you like to go? Please notify Gretel in the office asap so she can connect with Klooz about the size of the group coming. (Klooz Brewz is conveniently located right around the corner from the church.)
Celebrations: Happy celebrations to a really great crew. We love each one of you. We hope your year is exciting and new, and that you remember God loves you!
Happy Birthday to: Leeza Finch, 1/9; Orion Nunley, 1/11; and Jerry Jones, 1/15!
Installation of Elder: Hats off to our soon-to-be-newest elder for Session: Bruce McConnell! This coming Sunday will include a special ceremony to install Bruce as elder on Session. Thank you, Bruce, for your willingness to serve. Thank you, friends, for your support of this important role in the life of this church body.
Warning on Requests for Money: We are sharing a warning with you as the church body, inspired by strange emails that came to the church offices this week. If you receive emails from someone calling themselves Reverend Je Lee or Pastor Je, and this individual asks for money, please do not respond or give any money. Pastor Je wants to remind you that he does not ask for money from the congregation. If you receive any such contact, please contact the church office and report it. Thank you.
No Communal Lunch in January. There will be no communal lunch in January. Pending discussions this month, there may be a communal lunch in February. We will keep you updated and informed. (And, for future reference, if you have any requests or suggestions for food themes for communal lunches, please let Gretel know. She appreciates the help.)
PPM Update:
Brr it's definitely winter in Indiana! I know the
children would enjoy some snow!! This month the classes will be talking about
winter weather, Arctic animals, and celebrating 100 days of school on
January 22nd. The colors of Christmas will soon be replaced by blue and
white for Winter artwork.
Weekly Devotional: The Call
Bzzz. Bzzzz. (To self): “What is that buzzing?”
Bzzz. Bzzz. (To self): “It’s my phone! I forgot I left it on silent/vibrate. I
don’t know that number, but it’s not registering as spam, so . . .”
and speaks into the phone): “Hello?”
I’m so glad you answered My call. I’ve been wanting to talk with you.”
(Looks at
the phone again to check the number. Reads the ID and eyes widen.) “You’ve
been wanting to talk with me?”
“Yes. Does
that surprise you?”
“Well, to
be honest . . .”
“I think
that’s best.”
“. . .
Yes, I am surprised.”
“I thought
. . . well . . . I figured . . . what I mean to say is . . . why me?”
“I’ve had this conversation before.”
Moses? The burning bush?”
“Ahh. Right.”
“Can I
save you some trouble and some time and cut right to the chase? I may be able
to shed some light on some of your hesitation.”
By all means!”
“I created
your hands and feet, so wouldn’t I know best how you can use them? I fashioned
your heart and mind, so wouldn’t I know best how you can exercise them? I knit
you together in your mother’s womb. I have a plan and a purpose for your life –
one of hope and promise. Can you trust Me for that?”
“Wow.” (Another pause.)
“What do
you think?”
“I think
I’m afraid.”
“It is?”
“You bet.”
“How is
“It’s a
lot to process. If you thought you were unworthy, unlovable, unusable, you may
have dismissed the idea entirely of ever being used by Me. Maybe you thought
you’d never even get this call.”
pause.) “You know me so well.”
again.) “That’s true.”
“But what
can You do with me? I don’t think I’m minister-material. I don’t think I’m
capable of anything all that great or wonderful.”
that for Me to decide?”
“Ahh. Good
“So, will you
give it a try? Or rather, will you give Me a try?”
(Takes a
deep breath and lets it out very slowly.) “Okay. I’m still scared . . .”
okay. I’ll be here the whole time. Right by your side.”
made some good points. And, honestly, I’m curious. Ok, God, let’s do this.”
“Great! I’m so excited! I thought you might be curious.
Again, let Me say, I’m so glad you took My call. Now, here’s what I’m thinking
. . .”
Prayer Room:
Prayer is
important to the body of First Presbyterian Church. Are you interested in joining the prayer chain? Would you like to learn more about the role of
prayer in our lives? Please contact Phyllis Duff, Prayer Coordinator, at
(765)482-1485/ raduff2@att.net.
Heavenly Father,
fact that You love each of us enough to send Your Son down to earth to walk
among us, live among us, teach us, then be willing to die for us is remarkable,
incredible, practically unfathomable. In fact, if we try to wrap our finite
minds around that, we bump up against a wall. We have to approach that truth with
faith. Faith breaks down that wall. At the very least, faith creates a doorway
and invites us to walk through. But You didn’t stop at the cross. Jesus rose
from the grave, conquering death and sin, so we could spend eternity with You.
Why? Again here comes that remarkable, incredible, amazing truth that You love
us. And yet, even conquering sin and death for us is not all. You want to use
us. Broken, messy, fallible that we are, still You want to use us. The above
conversation in the little piece called “The Call” is fiction, but it is based
on fact. The fact that You call each of us to a relationship with You, the fact
that You are bigger and far beyond any limitations we may see in ourselves or
our lives. You are He Who Overcomes. Please, dear Father, help us to trust You,
lean on You, abide in You, that, in doing so and through Your grace, mercy,
strength, and presence, we too can overcome. In Jesus’ precious name we pray,
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