Midweek Newsletter: Wednesday, February 28, 2024.
Midweek on Wed., Feb. 28th, 2024
First Presbyterian Church, Lebanon
Community Soup & Supper
During Lent, the good Christians in town gather together to eat together and to worship together. Today, it will be at Trinity Lutheran Church at 2625 Elm Swamp Road, Lebanon, IN 46052. Dinner begins at 6PM, and the service at 7PM. Come and feed your body and your spirit!
Come and Bring Next Wednesday
Next Wednesday, March 6th, we host the Lenten Community Soup & Supper at our church. You may bring soups, appetisers, or desserts to share with the good Christians in the community. It is OK to bring some foods even if you did not sign up. Or you can bring someone to join this Lenten Community Soup & Supper at the Presbyterian Church. Come and feed yourself and also feed your neighbour’s body and spirit!
Get Mooned in Boone Safely
The big solar eclipse is coming to us on Monday, April 8th this year. It is going to be a spectacular cosmic event to watch, and the solar eclipses in past changed the courses of human history. But first, you must protect your eyes. Even during the eclipse, the sun will (not may or can but will) hurt your eyes if you are not properly equipped with special eye glasses. According to the Lebanon Public Library’s facebook posting, they are going to distribute the Solar Eclipse glasses on coming Friday, March 1st. All you need is the library card issued by Lebanon Public Library, and you can get two pairs for free until the supplies last. The library opens at 9AM. Enjoy while protected.
Worship Team Meets 5PM Friday
The worship team’s regular meeting was postponed by one week and will meet this coming Friday, March 1st, 5PM at church library. It is not an exclusive meeting and any member of the our congregation can, and encouraged to, attend the meeting. The church will provide pizza so that you will not be hangry during the meeting.
Wanna Chairs?
Thanks to Margi McConnaha, the church library is equipped with wonderful couches and also new comfortable table chairs with cushioned back. If you need the old chairs (which are still perfectly in good
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condition), you may bring them home. There are many more chairs in the basement. You may ask pastor Je or Roy to get them from the basement. All the remaining chairs will be donated to local charities.
Saturday Lunch and Bible Study
Many of you have not joined the Saturday Lunch and Bible Study yet. It is a free discussion session, not pastor Je’s lecturing one-way and forcing his idea on you. It is a wonderful opportunity to delve deeper into the Bible, and explore the meanings of it. The lunch menu is always changing. Last week, we had Japanese Style Chicken Fried Rice. This week, we may have Burger Kings. The lunch begins at 11:30, and the Bible Study follows immediately. Pastor Je forgot many weeks but there could be brain teaser, puzzles, or games between the lunch and the Bible study.
Communion Sunday
Being the first Sunday in March, this coming Sunday will offer the Communion of the Lord. The communion elements are not the actual and physical flesh and blood of Jesus (they are not protein but carbohydrates), but the Communion signifies the true unification with the Saviour spiritually, not just merely a symbol. Through the Communion we are offered the forgiveness and eternal life as Jesus offered the same to the two disciples on the way to Emmaus. Through the Communion, our eyes will be opened to recognise our Lord and Saviour. So please come to the Communion Sunday on this third Sunday in Lent.
Easter Flowers
We are in the middle of the Lenten journey and we all know that our final destination is the resurrection of our Saviour on the Easter morning via the death on the cross. To celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and to celebrate the new and eternal life, we would like to decorate the sanctuary with beautiful and lovely flowers. The sign up sheet is on the table at the back of the sanctuary with envelopes. Lilies, hyacinths, daffodils and tulips are $15 each. Azaleas are $35, and hydrangeas are $45. The sign up is by Thursday, March 7th, but the earlier the better for us. If you do not sign up for the Easter flowers, please remember and remind yourself that your presence on the Easter morning is much more precious and beautiful than any flowers in the sanctuary. God finds pleasure in you, not in the offerings if you are not there with the offerings.
Prayers Needed
Gretel Magnuson, our church secretary has been sick and could not come to church to work from last Monday. Please keep her in your prayers.
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Carmen’s daughter Sara in CO had another surgery last Sunday. Please pray for her recovery.
Carolyn Dunham lost her dear sister Sharon Jackson. Please pray for Carolyn and the family of Sharon Jackson so that God’s peace will be with them.
Dick Self went to the St. Vincent hospital due to blood clots. He was moved to the Homewood in Lebanon yesterday. According to his daughter-in-law, Dick is slowly progressing but much better. Please pray for Dick and his beloved wife Janet.
Please don’t forget to pray for Sharon Clem at the Waters for rehabilitation. She is slowly getting better but she has a long road to go ahead of her.
We have four members at the Crown Pointe in Lebanon: Mildred Flanary, Marylynn Boatright, Ginny Hussong, and Mary Beth Pauley. Please keep them in your prayers, and you may want to send a card or write to them.
We have other home-bound members such as Leanna Woody, Marty Willard, Nancy & Jerry Jones, Steve MacPherson, and on. Please keep them also in your daily prayers.
Prayer Request?
If you have a prayer request, please contact Phyllis Duff (raduff2@att.net) so that she can share your request with the saints at the church. James, the brother of our Lord wrote in his letter that the prayer of the righteous person is powerful in what it can achieve (James 5:16b). So let us pray together for our members, families, and neighbours in the name of our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ.
Pastor Je’s Weekly Off Day
Pastor Je usually takes his day off on Tuesdays weekly. But it can shift according to other schedules in the week. For example, the session meets on Tuesday once a month. On that Tuesday, pastor Je takes another day of the week off. If you want to schedule a meeting with pastor Je, please contact pastor Je or the church office first to be sure.
Contact the Church
•Address: 128 E. Main Street, Lebanon, IN 46052
•Phone: 765-482-5959
•Website: http://lebanonfpc.org/
•Office Email: office@LebanonFPC.org
•Pastor Email: pastor@LebanonFPC.org
•Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/firstpreslebanon
•YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@firstpresbyterianchurchofl3509
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