Midweek Newsletter: Wednesday, March 6, 2024.

 NARTHEX NEWS ~ March 6, 2024


In this newsletter this week:

Reminders &  Celebrations

Easter Flowers!

Lenten Soup Supper & Service

BYOB/”Happy Meal”

“Guest” Organist for Easter!

Pack a Baby Pack!

Eclipse on April 8

Prayer Reminders

Contact Info for the church


Live & Learn
: Live & Learn on March 9 will show a movie! Lunch is included. Pastor Je has this to share: “Many of you have not joined the Saturday Lunch and Bible Study yet. It is a free discussion session, not pastor Je’s lecturing one-way and forcing his idea on you. It is a wonderful opportunity to delve deeper into the Bible, and explore the meanings of it. The lunch menu is always changing.”

Presbyterian Ringers Rehearse: Saturday @ 11am. (Was Thursday @ 6:30pm but has been changed. Ringers please make note of this.)

Daylight Savings Time Begins on Sunday March 10th. Spring ahead! (Set your clocks ahead one hour.)

Live for Life Sunday this Sunday. Look for the box in the lobby in which you can place items you bring for Live for Life. Remember to make checks out to First Presbyterian Church and put the “Live for Life” in the memo line, not as the addressee. Need suggestions for what to bring for the box? Shampoo/Conditioner. Toothpaste/toothbrushes. Soap. Cleaning Supplies, laundry supplies. New pillows.

: Happy, Happy birthday to you! To who? To you!

Happy birthday: (Debbie Goodnight, 3/04); Dick Self, 3/6; Caleb Reynolds, 3/13!

Easter Flowers!

This is the last day to

sign-up for Easter flowers.
Please contact the office today if you would like to purchase flowers for the Easter service. You can email (gretel@lebanonfpc.org) or call (765-482-5959). Please leave a message if your call goes to voice mail.

Pastor Je has this insight to share about the Easter flowers this year:

We are in the middle of the Lenten journey and we all know that our final destination is the resurrection of our Savior on Easter morning via the death on the cross. To celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and to celebrate new and eternal life, we would like to decorate the sanctuary with beautiful, lovely flowers. Lilies, hyacinths, daffodils and tulips are $15 each. Azaleas are $35, and hydrangeas are $45. If you do not sign up for the Easter flowers, please remember and remind yourself that your presence on Easter morning is much more precious and beautiful than any flowers in the sanctuary. God finds pleasure in you, not in the offerings if you are not there with the offerings.”

Lenten Soup Supper & Service Series: This week it’s FPC’s turn to host the Soup Supper and Lenten Service! Thank you to all of you who signed up to bring a soup! You may also bring appetizers, side dishes, and desserts to share. The dinner starts at 6, the service starts at 7. You are welcome to bring a friend with you! Next week’s service will be the last service and it will be held at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Lebanon.

BYOB/ “Happy Meal”: Lunch this Friday in the Church Library with your FPC buddies! Bring your lunch and grab a chat! 11:30am. Hope to see you there!

“Guest Organist” for Easter: As if Easter Sunday isn’t exciting enough, we’ve got more fun news to share: Bud Hunter will be our “guest” organist for Easter Sunday!


Pack a Baby Pack! The Spring Missions Project is underway! Preparations are ongoing for a fun and significant event on April 27 in the fellowship hall. The ladies of the church are invited to come on April 27 for a baby shower themed event to pack baby packs to share with The Malawi Project. There is a box in the entryway to collect items you are contributing to the baby packs project. Collection will stop on Sunday, April 20. There is a sign-up sheet on the table in the sanctuary with information about items needed for the packs. Please check the sign-up sheet for details or speak with Debbie Crouse.

Eclipse on April 8: There is an eclipse occurring on April 8 at approximately 3pm and downtown Lebanon is right in the viewing area for this historic event. Much planning has been going on throughout Boone County with events to celebrate the eclipse. Included here is the reminder that there are many people expected to visit our area that day. (As many as 10K to 30K!) Traffic is predicted to be heavy. Please plan your day accordingly. The Lebanon Reporter has been running a series of articles sharing news of various events planned for that weekend. We want to share here information about road closures that day, so you can plan your outings to accommodate these temporary changes to the downtown area: Roads closed from 6am to 7pm on April 8 to accommodate the expected crowds:

- Meridian St. from North St to South St., then extending on to Elm St.

- Washington St. from S. Lebanon St. to East St.

- Main St. from S. Lebanon St to Indianapolis Ave. (Along Main Street there will be a Vendor Fair and Food Trucks.)

There will also be several public parking spots, as well as a suggested viewing area. A map is printed and posted on the hallway bulletin board for your viewing and planning pleasure.

Prayer Reminders: Thank you for keeping your church family in prayer, as well as the local community and the nation. We especially ask that you keep in prayer those of the FPC family who are in the hospital, nursing homes, and homebound.

If you wish to know a more detailed update on the prayer needs of the church, or wish to join the prayer chain, please contact our Prayer Coordinator, Phyllis Duff, at: (765)482-1485/ raduff2@att.net.

Contact Info for the church:

Address: 128 E. Main Street, Lebanon, IN 46052      Phone: 765-482-5959

Website: https://lebanonfpc.org/

Office Email: office@LebanonFPC.org

Pastor Email: pastor@LebanonFPC.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/firstpreslebanon

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@firstpresbyterianchurchofl3509



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