Midweek on April 10th, 2024

 All about the Annual Meeting

Annual meeting is coming Sunday in the fellowship hall while having the quarterly communal luncheon. There will be meeting packet with reports from the committees, clusters, clerk of session, and pastor Je. The next fiscal year budget will be proposed as well. (Our church’s fiscal year is from June through May to work with PPM’s school year.) You can ask questions to the committees. It is a good opportunity to make your voice heard and to raise your concerns or opinions.

All about the Communal Luncheon

The second quarterly communal luncheon will feature the fried chicken from the Kroger. The church will also provide drinks (non alcoholic). You may want to bring desserts or appetisers to make the meal better.

Saturday Bible to Resume

Saturday Bible Study Resumes this Saturday. As it was announced more than a month ago, we will watch ‘The Mission’ and discuss afterwards. We look forward to seeing you there! If you have any questions or need further details, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Get Your Easter Flowers

If you ordered the Easter flowers, and have not picked them up yet, you can pick them up any time. If you have not paid for it yet, the prices are as follows: Lilies, hyacinths, daffodils, tulips: $15; Azaleas: $35; Hydrangeas: $45.

Recycle Your Eclipse Glasses

A ccording to the Lebanon Public Library’s facebook posting, you can drop off your eclipse glasses at the library. Then they will mail them off to be re-used for a future eclipse in another country. Please make sure that donated glasses still be in useable condition without rips, scratches, or tears on the lenses.


BYOB is this week when you bring your own whatever B—burger, beer, bacon or any edible B. The gathering is 11:30 AM at the church library.

Sunday Hymns

If the YouTube videos for the hymns are not correct, Lisa Hutcheson may correct them.

Sunday Scriptures and Sermon Title

Kiwanis Club Pancake Fundraiser

Kiwanis Club’s 70th annual fundraiser pancake dinner is tomorrow 5-8 PM at Farm Bureau Community Building Boone County 4H. $8 per ticket. Children age 5 and under eat free. Kiwanis club is a non-profit organisation helping children. You can check them out at Lebanon Kiwanis club website: https://lebanonkiwanisclub.org/

Notes from PPM

Happy Spring! We are back from Spring Break and excited to finish out the school year. It is a nice change to see bright colors and sunshine outside.

This month our classes will talk about spring weather, gardens, flowers and butterflies. Our Pre-K classes will be doing a butterfly unit this month and observe the changes of the life cycle of a butterfly. Once the butterflies are ready we will release them in the courtyard. This is always a fun learning experience for the kids. Our Pre-5 and PRE-K classes will also be going to the zoo at the end of the month as a Family Engagement opportunity.

We are excited to worship with you on April 21st. Please join us following the service for cookies in the fellowship hall. Continue to pray for all our staff and children as these last few weeks of school are sometimes the most difficult and we transition to our summer program.

We are hosting a Block Party on April 30th for PPM students only, this is a partnership with Purdue Extensions. They are going to show us fun ways to use blocks for learning activities and not just to play with.

I also wanted to say a huge Thank You to Miss Brandy’s Pre-K class for the beautiful Easter art in the lobby. What a nice surprise to see those every morning.

Blessings to all of you and thank you for your support this year.—PPM Director Lori Rowe

Pack a Baby Pack: Sat, Apr. 27th

We are excited to announce that we will be delivering baby packs to expecting mothers in Malawi. These packs contain essential hygienic supplies, which are crucial for clean and healthy baby deliveries. Unfortunately, due to the lack of these items, many newborn babies and mothers face serious risks.

How You Can Help: Until the packing event, you have two ways to contribute: Donating Necessary Items or Financial Gifts. You write “Baby Pack” on the memo line of your cheque. The donation box is sitting in the closet to the left of the door as they come in. We need to have these items before the baby shower (by Sunday, April 21st) so we can sort and have everything ready by the time people come to stuff the bags.

The sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board outside the church office for those who will come to the packing event. The sign-up sheet on the refreshment table in the back of the sanctuary is for the needed items. Please sign up by Sunday, April 21st, so that we can set up for refreshments and set up as well as we can have time to sort items that are to be packed. If you have any questions about this initiative, feel free to contact Debbie Crouse, the chair of the Mission & Outreach committee. Let’s come together to make a difference for these mothers and their precious babies!

Voice Actor Needed

If you want to help dramatising the Scripture Reading, talk to Neal on Sunday morning.

Wanna Be a Visit Team?

Pastor Je will begin visiting home-bound members from this week. If you want to visit them with pastor Je, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board outside the church office.

Prayer Request?

If you have a prayer request, please contact Phyllis Duff at raduff2@att.net.

Marcia Berkshire Smith passed away

Carolyn received the news yesterday afternoon that Marcia Berkshire Smith passed away today as a result of her liver or kidney disease. The family appreciates our prayers, and I ask that you now lift them up for comfort and peace as they face the days ahead.

Got News?

Do you have something you wish to share with the church family? Sharing good news will double it. Sharing sad news will halve it. Is your child or grandchild excellent? You can boast about them. Contact pastor Je if you want your story on the weekly Midweek or monthly Newsletter.

Serving This Week

  • Visiting team: Neal Crouse

  • Liturgist: Debbie Crouse

  • Elder of the month: Sigmon Myers

Church Website

Have you check the church website recently? You can find so many things such as past sermon scripts, previous bulletins, newsletters, photos, and more. Website: http://lebanonfpc.org/

Contact the Church


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