Midweek on Wed., Apr. 24th, 2024

¡Pack a Baby Pack! Saturday 2 P.M.

Finally this coming Saturday is the Pack a Baby Pack! We have been waiting for it for such a long time, announcing each week. Now we are going to pack the baby packs for expecting mothers in Malawi (for your information, Malawi is a country in South-eastern Africa). These packs contain essential hygienic supplies, which are crucial for clean and healthy baby deliveries. Unfortunately, due to the lack of these items, many newborn babies and mothers face serious risks. By this, we can save lots of new born babies and their mothers. It is this coming Saturday, 2 P.M. at the fellowship hall.

No Bible Study

To remove the possible conflicts with the wonderful mission project of Pack a Baby Pack, this coming Bible Study is cancelled. We will resume the Saturday Bible Study from Saturday, May 4th, 11:30 A.M.

New Bible Study Book

The Saturday Bible Study finished studying the Gospel of Luke. After discussion for the next Bible book for study, we concluded to study the Book of Hebrews. It is a mysterious but amazing book. Please join us to explore the theology and knowledge more in depth.

Photo Contest

The first annual photo contest is open. Please email your flower photo to pastor Je to enter. It does not have to be a recent photo. Five or more years or old photo is just fine. There are only two rules that it has to be a flower photo, and that is was taken by you.

Gourmet Seekers: Stookey’s

The April Gourmet Seeks will eat at the Stookey’s in Thorntown (125 E Main St, Thorntown, IN 46071), which is 10 miles away or 15 minutes driving distance from the church. For ride shares, please come to the church by 11:30 A.M., or we can meet at the restaurant at around noon. You may want to give pastor Je heads-up that you are coming by Thursday since we are meeting and eating on this coming Friday.

Worship Team Meeting

The worship team will meet on this coming Friday, 5:30 P.M. Any one can join the meeting to discuss the ways how we can improve our worship experiences. Regular and flavoured coffee will be served. You may want to bring some snack or supper for yourself.

Sunday Hymns

There will be more songs and music than our regular Sunday morning worship services. The three regular hymns are listed below. Let other songs surprise you on Sunday.

Sunday Scriptures and Sermon Title

Hello from PPM!

What an exciting month we have had. Learning all about Spring weather, watching live caterpillars turn into butterflies and singing for the church this past Sunday. We had about 25 children join us for worship. Thank you for being patient with the little ones during the service and welcoming our families. I really enjoyed Pastor Je’s sermon, Don’t Be a Cheeseburger; even as adults we can choose our own path and decide how to handle anything life challenges us with. As we finish the month and get ready for May, our classes will be doing a lot of fun activities the last few weeks of the year.

PCUSA Special Offering: Pentecost

From after the Easter Sunday through Pentecost Sunday, the PCUSA is collecting the Special Offering of Pentecost. A gift to the Pentecost Offering helps the church encourage, develop, and support its young people, and also address the needs of at-risk children. 40% of the Pentecost offering can be retained at our congregation to make an impact in the lives of young people within our own community. The remaining 60% is used to support children-at-risk, youth, and young adults through ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency. You can mark your cheque or offering envelope as “Pentecost.”

Voice Actor Needed

If you want to help dramatising the Scripture Reading, talk to Neal on Sunday morning.

Wanna Be a Visit Team?

The sign-up sheet for the next week is blank and empty. If you want to help pastor Je visiting our home-bound members, please sign up on the bulletin board outside the church office.

Prayer Request?

If you have a prayer request, please contact Phyllis Duff at raduff2@att.net.

Got News?

Do you have something you wish to share with the church family? Sharing good news will double it. Sharing sad news will halve it. Is your child or grandchild excellent? You can boast about them. Contact pastor Je if you want your story on the weekly Midweek or monthly Newsletter.

Serving This Week

  • Visiting team: [Please Sign-up]

  • Liturgist: Debbie Crouse

  • Elder of the month: Sigmon Myers

Church Website

Have you checked the church website recently? You can find so many things such as past sermon scripts, previous bulletins, newsletters, photos, and more. Website: http://lebanonfpc.org/

Contact the Church


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