Midweek on Wed., May 15th, 2024
Trinity Sunday
This Sunday, we celebrate Trinity Sunday, a special day in the Christian calendar dedicated to honouring the Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This doctrine, central to our faith, encapsulates the mystery of one God in three persons, a unity of essence and purpose.
Trinity Sunday invites us to reflect on the profound nature of God’s love and the intricate relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each person of the Trinity plays a distinct role in the story of salvation. The Father, our Creator, the Son, our Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit, our Sustainer, work together in perfect harmony to bring about God’s plan for humanity.
As we gather to worship, let us marvel at this divine mystery that transcends human understanding. The Trinity exemplifies perfect community and love, offering us a model for our relationships and our church. Let us strive to emulate this unity, supporting and loving one another as we journey in faith.
Join us this Trinity Sunday in celebrating the God who is three-in-one, embracing the awe and wonder of this sacred mystery. May our worship deepen our understanding and draw us closer to the Triune God.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Did you know that faith can greatly impact mental health in positive ways? Numerous studies examining prayer, meditation, church attendance, forgiveness, generosity, gratitude, and love have revealed a common benefit: they all help to reduce stress and anxiety. These factors are crucial because prolonged periods of high stress and anxiety can lead to both physical and mental health issues.
The longevity benefits observed in those who regularly attend religious services are largely attributed to the ongoing respite that places of worship, such as churches, temples, synagogues, and mosques, provide from the stresses, challenges, and worries of everyday life.
When a church is a healthy and nurturing environment, it can be incredibly beneficial for our mental health. From the comforting hugs during the passing of peace, to the prayers offered and received, and even the gifts of time and talent shared, each aspect can contribute to easing our minds. So, all the more reason to come to church and bring someone with you. It's like therapy, but free!
Photo Contest
The photos are now being displayed on the wall right outside of the sanctuary. Since last Sunday, there were a few more entries. The contest is still open and you can email pastor Je your photo (one per person). And now you can vote. Everyone has one vote using the dot sticker. No need to be registered to vote since it is an honour system. The last day of voting is Sunday, June 16th. On June 23rd during the Worship at the Park, we will announce the winner who will get a prize.
Gourmet Seekers
Monthly Gourmet Seekers are meeting coming Friday at the Mayberry Café at 78 W Main St, Danville, IN 46122. This restaurant is inspired by the Andy Griffith Show. Ride share gathering is at church at 11:30AM. You may drive directly to the restaurant to meet at noon. If you are coming, please let pastor Je know by tomorrow.
Worship Team Meeting
The worship team is meeting coming Friday, 4PM instead of the regular time of 5:30PM. Anyone can come to the meeting to share the thoughts and ideas concerning our worship.
Dr. Gretel’s Party
Dr. Gretel’s Party is coming Friday, 7-9PM at Bruce McConnell’s home (1711 Lafayette Avenue, APT 19, Lebanon, IN 46052).
Saturday Bible Study
The Saturday Bible Study will begin the chapter two of the Hebrews. Come to learn and discuss about the deep theology with the mysterious book of Hebrews.
Coming Sunday Hymns
Some of the songs and music in our coming Sunday’s Worship Service are listed below:
1. Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMh7UYFUZyk627. I Love You, Lord (x2)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bxi4PI0Bf7g300. We Are One in the Spirit
Sunday Scriptures and Sermon Title
Sermon: Divine Community
Note from PPM
It’s hard to believe that the school year is over! We were busy last week with fun dress up days, preparing for our parent program. As we clean and regroup for the summer, we are also preparing to welcome a few new families in June.
This past week, we had our Paths to Quality yearly review. I am excited to announce that we passed the visit and are still a PTQ level 4 program. This could not be done without an amazing staff, all of whom worked countless hours for the past two weeks preparing not only for the end of the school year, but also for our review.
Sunday, we said good-bye to the 2023-2024 school year, I am looking forward and excited to see what the next year brings.
Have a great summer!!
Miss Lori
Voice Actor Needed
Don’t you love hearing the dramatised Scripture Readings during the Sunday Worship Services? You can join the bliss of being part of it. If you are willing, let Neal know before the Worship Service on each Sunday.
Monthly Newsletter in Your Mailbox?
Monthly Newsletter is available both at your inbox and mailbox. If you wish to receive the monthly newsletter at your mailbox as well as email inbox, please let pastor Je know your preference. The printed copies of the newsletter are also available at the back of the sanctuary.
Wanna Be a Visit Team?
The sign-up sheet for the next week is blank and empty. If you want to help pastor Je visiting our home-bound members, please sign up on the bulletin board outside the church office.
Prayer Request?
If you have a prayer request, please contact Phyllis Duff at raduff2@att.net.
Got News?
Do you have something you wish to share with the church family? Sharing good news will double it. Sharing sad news will halve it. Is your child or grandchild excellent? You can boast about them. Contact pastor Je if you want your story on the weekly Midweek or monthly Newsletter.
Serving This Week
Visiting team: Bruce McConnell
Liturgist: George Piper II
Elder of the month: Dennis Brannon
Pianist: Debbie Crouse
Contact the Church
Addr: 128 E. Main St., Lebanon, IN 46052
Tel: 765-482-5959
Website: http://lebanonfpc.org/
Office: office@LebanonFPC.org
Pastor: pastor@LebanonFPC.org
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@firstpresbyterianchurchofl3509
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