Midweek on Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

Pentecost Sunday

This Sunday, we joyfully celebrate Pentecost, a pivotal moment in the Christian faith when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and believers, empowering them to spread the gospel. This event marks the birth of the Church, uniting believers in a shared mission and purpose. Pentecost is a time for us to reflect on the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the life of our community. It reminds us of the Spirit’s presence, guiding us, renewing our faith, and inspiring us to act with love and compassion.

Join us for the Pentecost Sunday worship service. We will come together to embrace the spirit of Pentecost, celebrating its message of unity and renewal. As we gather, let us open our hearts to the Holy Spirit, allowing it to work within us and through us, strengthening our bonds and our resolve to live out our faith in our daily lives. Let this Pentecost Sunday be a reminder of the strength we find in community and the powerful force of the Holy Spirit that binds us together. We look forward to sharing this special day with you, as we celebrate and renew our commitment to our faith and to each other. Since this is the birthday of the church universal, there will be a cake, candle, and singing of Happy Birthday.

One Day Ministry Leadership Seminar

The Fuller Seminary and Christ Church of Oak Brook (IL) are hosting 1-day seminar, “Ministry Leadership in a Messy World” on Friday, May 31st, 2024 at Christ Church of Oak Brook (501 Oak Brook Road, Oak Brook, IL 60523). You can read the detail information at the seminar website: https://www.fuller.edu/events/ministry-leadership-in-a-messy-world/. Register deadline is Friday, May 24th. The cost is $75 per person and for a group of over 5 people, the cost goes down to $60. Leeza Finch is attending. If you are interested, please contact Leeza Finch for the possibility of getting group rate.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Do you know:

  • Loneliness and social isolation are key risk factors for mental health conditions in later life?

  • Approximately 14% of adults aged 60 and over live with a mental illness.

  • You are not alone! Call 988 to connect to a trained counsellor who can help you find resources and support.

Photo Contest

The first annual photo contest is open. Please email your flower photo to pastor Je to enter. It does not have to be a recent photo. Five or more years or old photo is just fine. There are only two rules that it has to be a flower photo, and that is was taken by you.

Session Meeting, Tuesday 6:30PM

The monthly session meeting is next Tuesday, 6:30PM at the church library. The session meeting is not a closed or exclusive meeting. All the members are invited and welcome to come and observe the meeting. While only the active session members have votes, all our members have voice in the meeting.

Sunday Hymns

Some of the songs and music in our coming Sunday’s Worship Service are listed below:

Sunday Scriptures and Sermon Title

Celebration for Craig Reynolds II

Craig Reynolds II is graduating from the high school this month after completing thirteen years (including kindergarten) of public education successfully. The celebration and open house will be on Saturday, May 18th, 2–5PM at his house at 228 Nottingham Lane, Lebanon, IN 46052.

Note from PPM

Wow! It’s hard to believe this is our last week of our regular school year. Nine months ago, we opened our doors to 90 children, some returning and many new to PPM. In a few days we will be saying goodbye to about 30 children who are on their way to Kindergarten this Fall. Some of those children we have had since they were 18 months old. This time of year is always bittersweet for me, and teachers. We have taught and loved these friends and have watched them grow in so many ways, and while seeing them achieve goals and move all, we know they will be missed.

A parent many years ago, re-introduced her child to me. This young lady was in middle school (I had her when she was 3) She didn’t remember me, and her mom seemed upset by that. Recounting all the fun things we did that year. The mom asked me “Doesn’t that bother you, that the kids don’t remember you?” My reply was “No, they were only 3, and since then they’ve had other amazing teachers and experiences to remember; my job was to help set the path for their future. I think of that encounter a lot, because at PPM, that is our goal. We just want to give these children a positive start to learning, and to love them at the same time. One of our parent survey questions this year was “What does PPM do that is most helpful to you as a parent?” Here is one of the responses: “Teaching how to be a good friend, and person and to love God.” This is an amazing testament to our Program and Church.

When they say it takes a village, that is so true. I would like to thank Ralph Willard, Margie McConnaha, Miss Gretel, and Sally Owens for being guest readers this past year. The children have enjoyed their weekly visits. I would also like to thank Pastor Je for his daily visits to the kitchen and his fun hat, the children really like the hat! A special thanks to Neal Crouse, for all his tech help this year, and his support to PPM. And, to you as a church. Thank you for your continued love, prayers and support of PPM. We are truly blessed.

PPM will be closed for 2 weeks, we will begin our summer session on June 3rd. Sunday, May 19th is our end of the year program. I am excited to pass out 45 brand new bibles this year, for new PPM students.

Have a blessed week,


Voice Actor Needed

Don’t you love hearing the dramatised Scripture Readings during the Sunday Worship Services? You can join the bliss of being part of it. If you are willing, let Neal know before the Worship Service on each Sunday.

Monthly Newsletter in Your Mailbox?

Monthly Newsletter is available both at your inbox and mailbox. If you wish to receive the monthly newsletter at your mailbox as well as email inbox, please let pastor Je know your preference. The printed copies of the newsletter are also available at the back of the sanctuary.

Wanna Be a Visit Team?

The sign-up sheet for the next week is blank and empty. If you want to help pastor Je visiting our home-bound members, please sign up on the bulletin board outside the church office.

Prayer Request?

If you have a prayer request, please contact Phyllis Duff at raduff2@att.net.

Got News?

Do you have something you wish to share with the church family? Sharing good news will double it. Sharing sad news will halve it. Is your child or grandchild excellent? You can boast about them. Contact pastor Je if you want your story on the weekly Midweek or monthly Newsletter.

Serving This Week

  • Visiting team: Jane Myers

  • Liturgist: George Piper II

  • Elder of the month: Dennis Brannon

Contact the Church


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