Newsletter May 2024

Pack a Baby Pack

Wonderful Presbyterians gathered on Saturday, April 27th and made many baby packs with various hygienic items. These packs will be shipped to Malawi for the use of expecting mothers at the time of her delivery. Countless infants and mothers die of infection because of unsanitary environment and the lack of proper healthcare in Malawi. These simple baby pack guarantees not only the survival but also the health of both newborns and mothers. Photos are at the church website or at

Photo Contest

The first annual photo contest begins from April with the theme of Spring Flower. One rule is that the photo must be taken by you personally, which means you cannot submit a photo which you down-loaded from the internet. You can submit your digital photo via email, or drop off the printed photo at pastor Je’s office. The photos will be displayed on the church website. After the Worship in the Park in late June, it will be voted and the winner will get a prize.

Wanted: Secretary

We are currently in the process of searching for a new church secretary to fill the big shoes Gretel has left behind. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience and support as we transition through this period of change. If you know a good candidate for church secretary, please let the Personnel committee know.

Church Garden

Don Sanders and Barbara Belt have been working on the church gardens (including those right next to the church building as well as the Presby Park). They made a big difference in the church gardens. Beautiful flowers and new black mulch made the church building much more beautiful. You can see some of the photos of the garden renovation at the church website or at

Thank you Don and Barbara!

Epic Solar Eclipse Is Over

The epic solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th is now over. We thank God for the lovely weather. For the previous ten days, the weather forecast predicted the rain on that day. Even in the morning of the eclipse day, it was predicted that the thick cloud would cover the sky. But the actual weather was spotless (not even single cloud), clear sky with lovely temperature.

Hello from PPM!

Hello from PPM! What an exciting month we have had. Learning all about Spring weather, watching live caterpillars turn into butterflies and singing for the church this past Sunday. We had about 25 children join us for worship. Thank you for being patient with the little ones during the service and welcoming our families. I really enjoyed Pastor Je’s sermon, Don’t Be a Cheeseburger; even as adults we can choose our own path and decide how to handle anything life challenges us with. As we finish the month and get ready for May, our classes will be doing a lot of fun activities the last few weeks of the year.

Submitted by Lori Rowe, PPM Director

PPM Sunday

Sunday, April 21st was PPM Sunday when we happily worshipped our great God with the little children in the PPM—Presbyterian Preschool Ministry. Preschool is a valuable ministry and we are serving our community through this ministry. Many parents need the trustworthy quality education before their children are admitted to the public education, and we are providing it. More PPM Sunday photos are available at the church website or at:

PPM Voted the Best

Lebanon Reporter conducted the voting in the county to find the best business in each categories. Our PPM was chosen by the local people to be the best preschool.

Voice Actor Needed

Worship team tries many new things to improve the worship experience, and it we found that the dramatising the Scripture reading is successfully improving the worship experience. But for this, we need your help. Each Sunday morning, we recruit the voice actors. If you are interested in participating in this dramatising the Scripture reading, please let Neal Crouse know.

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting was on Sunday, April 14th while we were enjoying the quarterly communal luncheon in the fellowship hall. During this very important meeting, all the committees and clusters reported to the congregation for the last year’s activity and achievements. We also discussed and decided to request more benefits for the members in the preschool ministry (such as tuition extra discounts and/or priority in the admission and wait-list) through our liaison to the PPM Board. If you need the annual report, please ask pastor Je. More photos of the annual meeting are available at the church website or at:

PCUSA Special Offering: Pentecost

PCUSA has four special offerings, each with different targets and purposes. This Pentecost offering, which is being collected from after the Easter through Pentecost Sunday, is to help the church encourage, develop, and support its young people, and also address the needs of at-risk children. 40% of the Pentecost offering will stay at our church to make an impact in the lives of young people within our own congregation and community. The remaining 60% is used to support children-at-risk, youth, and young adults through ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency. You can mark your cheque or offering envelope as “Pentecost.”

New Nominating Committee

During the annual meeting, we elected a new nominating committee. Sigmon Myers will continue to be the chair of the committee. The committee members are Janet Landon and Kendra Whipkey. We also changed one rule for the nominating committee. Until now, we did not allow the nominating committee members to nominate him/herself, but now they can nominate themselves from the floor during the meeting.

Gourmet Seekers Meeting

April Gourmet Seekers met at the Stookey’s in Thorntown on Friday, April 26th. May Gourmet Seekers will meet on Friday, May 24th (at noon at the restaurant or at 11:30 A.M. at church for ride share), and the location is Mayberry Cafe in Danville. This restaurant is themed with the famous TV show, Andy Griffith Show. The address is 78 W Main St, Danville, IN 46122.

Visiting Team

If you’d like to help pastor Je visiting our home-bound members and friends, you may sign your name up on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board outside the church office.

Worship Team Meeting

Worship Team meets on the last Friday, which is usually fourth Friday. May 2024 has five Fridays, and the worship team will meet on Friday, May 24th, 5:30 P.M. at the church library. Worship team meeting is not a closed meeting. All the members are welcome to come and speak out their opinions and ideas to improve the worship experience.

Bess to Wisconsin

Our dear member and sister, Bess Wilkes, is moving to Tomah, Wisconsin at the end of this month to be near her dear friend. We will miss Bess and we bless her that God may make everyday of her blissful in the new location.

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Monday, May 6th is the Holocaust Memorial Day orיום השואה (Yom HaShoah) in Hebrew. Though this day is historically remembering the ethnic cleansing of the Jews by the Nazi, we shall work against all ethnic cleansing against any group of people. The nearest Holocaust Museum is in Terre Haute (1532 S 3rd St, Terre Haute, IN 47802) or in Chicago suburb (9603 Woods Dr, Skokie, IL 60077).


Pentecost is when we commemorate the descending of the Holy Spirit from heaven. Before His ascension, Jesus promised multiple times to send the Holy Spirit. Ten days after the ascension, the Holy Spirit came on all the believers, praying together. And that was the birth of the church universal. The Ascension of Jesus is Thursday, May 9th and the Pentecost is Sunday, May 19th.

May Church Calendar

Wed.1: Pastor Je’s birthday. Labour Day in Korea.

Sun.5: Communion Sunday. / Cinco de Mayo.
Children’s Day in Korea.

Mon.6: Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Wed.8: Dan Erwin’s birthday.
Parents’ Day in Korea.

Thu.9: Ascension Day.
11 A.M.: PPM Teacher’s Luncheon in the library.

Fri.10: 11:30 A.M.: BYOB at church library.

Sun.12: Mother’s Day / Live for Life Sunday.

Tue.14: Allen & Jennie Woods’ anniversary.

Wed.15:Teacher’s Day in Korea.

Thu.16: Todd Meyer’s birthday.

Fri.17: Last day of PPM.

Sun.19: Pentecost Sunday.

Mon.20: Whit Monday.

Tue.21: 6:30 P.M. Session Meeting.

Fri.24: Bud Hunter’s birthday.
11:30 A.M.: Gourmet Seekers.
5:30 P.M.: Worship Team Meeting.

Sun.26: Trinity Sunday / Caring Sunday.

Mon.27: Memorial Day / Bruce Meyer’s birthday.

Tue.28: George Piper’s birthday.

Thu.30: Dennis Brannon’s birthday.

Church Contact Information


128 E. Main Street, Lebanon, IN 46052


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