September Newsletter

Welcoming Twins!

We are thrilled to share the joyous news that Echo Nunley gave birth to twins on Tuesday, August 13th, at St. Vincent Women’s Hospital. Though born approximately two months before their due date, these precious little ones are already showing incredible strength and resilience, thanks to the grace of God and the wonders of modern medicine.

Roman, the baby boy, arrived at 6:13 PM, weighing 3 lb., 14 oz. Just a minute later, at 6:14 PM, his sister Eden made her entrance, weighing 2 lb., 12 oz. Both babies were placed in incubators immediately after birth, where they continue to grow and thrive.

While the twins will remain in the hospital until they are strong enough to come home, we are grateful for the progress they’ve made and ask for your continued prayers. When the time comes for their baptism, Roman and Eden will become the youngest Presbyterians in town, a true blessing to our congregation.

Please join us in praying for the Nunley family during this time and let us rejoice in the miracle of new life.

Lord's Prayer in Languages

The first Sunday in October is a special day in the life of the global Church. It’s not just another Communion Sunday; it’s World Communion Sunday, a day when Christians around the world gather at the Lord’s Table, symbolizing the unity of all believers as one body in Christ.

This beautiful tradition began in 1933 at Shadyside Presbyterian Church, a PC(USA) congregation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, under the leadership of Rev. Hugh Thomson Kerr. His vision was to bring churches together in a service of Christian unity, encouraging congregations to focus on our shared faith and the breaking of bread as a symbol of our common bond in Christ.

World Communion Sunday is a powerful reminder that despite the differences in our languages, cultures, and traditions, we are united in Christ. When we partake in the Lord’s Supper, we are joining millions of believers across the globe who are doing the same, affirming that Christ is our peace and that we are one in Him.

To emphasize this unity, our congregation will recite the Lord’s Prayer in multiple languages during our worship service on Sunday, October 6th. This practice reflects the diverse yet unified body of Christ. We need your help to make this a meaningful experience. If you can read the Lord’s Prayer in a language other than English, please let the church office know. Your participation will help us to visibly express the global nature of our faith and the beauty of our unity in Christ.

Let us come together in worship, mindful of our brothers and sisters around the world, and celebrate the rich tapestry of the Church united in the love of Christ.

Love INC Banquet

The Annual Fundraising Banquet will be held at the Zionsville Fellowship Church on September 5th at 5:30pm. Seats or tables can be reserved by visiting The cost is $40 per person or $300 per table.

Leaking Ceiling & Roofing Fixed

The church office had a water feature for a few weeks as Roy, Bruce and LMC tried to figure out where the leak was coming from. Luckily, they found it and the water has since stopped. One of the classrooms upstairs also had water dripping from the ceiling. M&M Roofing was called out to access the problem and found a roof drain needed repairing. Thank you, Roy and Bruce, for answering our numerous calls regarding these issues!

Peace & Global Witness Offering

As we journey together from this Sunday through World Communion Sunday, we can participate in a special mission that reflects the heart of our faith—the Peace & Global Witness offering. This offering is one of the PC(USA) Special Offerings, and it is dedicated to sowing seeds of peace by addressing systems of injustice in our communities, our region, and across the globe.

Our world is in desperate need of peace, and as followers of Christ, we are called to be peacemakers. The Peace & Global Witness offering enables us to respond to this call in tangible ways. Here’s how your contributions will be used:

  • 25% of the offering stays right here in our congregation, allowing us to directly support initiatives that promote peace and address injustice in our own community. This could mean providing resources for local programs, supporting advocacy efforts, or helping those who are most vulnerable in our midst. The Mission & Outreach Committee is reviewing the local ministries and organizations where we should designate the fund. If you have suggestions, please let the church office or the committee chair (Debbie Crouse) know.
  • Another 25% is directed to our Presbytery, where it will be used regionally to support efforts that promote peace and justice within our broader community. This collective effort allows us to amplify our impact and address the needs of our neighbors on a larger scale.
  • The remaining 50% goes to the General Assembly, where it will be used globally to support peacemaking and justice initiatives around the world. Whether its through reconciliation efforts in conflict zones, support for human rights, or advocacy for systemic change, these funds help to bring Christ’s peace to where it is needed most.

Through your generous support, we can make a difference—locally, regionally, and globally. The Peace & Global Witness offering is more than just a donation; it’s a way for us to live out our faith, to stand against injustice, and to be part of Gods transformative work in the world.

As we prepare our hearts for World Communion Sunday, let us also prepare to contribute to this important offering. By doing so, we are not only helping to create a more just and peaceful world, but we are also living into our calling as Christ’s disciples, working together to bring God’s kingdom of peace closer to reality. Please prayerfully consider how you might contribute to the Peace & Global Witnessoffering. Together, we can be a force for peace and justice in our community and beyond.

Church History Book

Printed copies of the new “A History of First Presbyterian Church of Lebanon Indiana” will be made available in September. Please let the church office know how many copies you would like. There is a suggested but very optional donation of $10 for each copy requested to help defray printing costs. Please let Lesley know by September 2 so we know how many copies to print. Your copies should then be available for pickup by September 10. This 49-page booklet is full of pictures and historical details of not only our church but also of the other Presbyterian churches that had existed in the past in Boone County. Also included are sections detailing the history of the Presbyterian church in general in this country, such as how our PC(USA) denomination was formed and what other variants of the Presbyterian Church are represented in Indiana and Boone County.

Saturday Bible Study

Bible Study is every Saturday starting at 11:30 AM in the church library, studying the Book of Hebrews. Coffee and tea will be provided but you need to bring your own lunch.

Quarterly Communal Luncheon 

On Sunday, August 25th, our church fellowship hall was filled with warmth, laughter, and the aroma of delicious food as we came together for our quarterly communal luncheon. After the morning worship service, many wonderful Presbyterians gathered to share not only a meal but also the rich fellowship that comes from being in the loving community of Christ.

The main dish was the ever-popular Kroger Fried Chicken, complemented by a delightful array of appetizers and desserts brought by the members. Whether you call it a potluck (if you’re from Canada) or a pitch-in (if you’re from Indiana), the variety of homemade dishes added to the joy of the occasion.

Though we may not be able to have this communal luncheon every day, the gathering was a beautiful reminder of the bonds we share as a church family. It was a time to love and care for one another, both in spirit and in the sharing of food.

Looking ahead, our next Quarterly Communal Luncheon will be the much-anticipated Harvest Dinner, which will take place on Sunday, November 24th, the Sunday before Thanksgiving. This time, we’ll set aside the Kroger Fried Chicken in favor of Pastor Je’s famous “Don’t-Tell-Your-Doctor” turkey—a treat you won’t want to miss! Let’s continue to cherish these moments of fellowship, as they reflect the love and grace we experience in our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Refrigerator Repaired

For several months, one of the refrigerators in our church kitchen was causing quite a stir—literally. A faulty compressor was producing a loud and disruptive banging noise, making it difficult for our PPM kitchen crew to work in peace. The constant noise wasn’t just hard on the ears; it was also affecting the morale of those who serve so faithfully in our kitchen.

Lori R., our dedicated PPM director, took action back in April by contacting the company for service. After some delays, the repair team finally arrived in mid-August. We are grateful that the original warranty was still in effect, allowing us to get the necessary repairs at no cost.

Now, thanks to the completed repair, the kitchen is once again a place of calm and quiet, making it a much more pleasant environment for our kitchen crew and anyone else who uses the space.

PPM Update

PPM is off to a great start this year. We are excited for the opportunity to meet new families and teach these amazing children. During the month of August we talked about school routines, getting to know friends with All-About-Me activities and learning what it means to be a good friend. At the beginning of the year, teachers send home an information sheet of what parents want us to know about their children. A response from the parent when asked Tell me some-thing about your child” was Fear-less. The teacher and I laughed a bit and then I began to wonder. Am I fearless? or do I let fear keep me from trying things. I like to think I am more guarded. I tend to overthink things. I watch these children and think how fearless they are every day, knowing that God is always looking out for them and protecting them. What a great way to live and embrace life. (Isaiah 41:10)

As August ends and September approaches, we are looking forward to the change of the season and hopefully cooler weather. 

Communion Server Needed

We have Communion once a month, on the first Sunday of each month. We need elders to serve the communion. You can volunteer to serve if you are an ordained elder in the Presbyterian Church of U.S.A. (PCUSA). If you are willing to serve, please put your name on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board across from the church office. October, November and December still need volunteers.

Voice Actor for the Scripture

We usually have two Scripture readings each Sunday, one from the Old Testament (traditionally read by the liturgist), and the other from the New Testament (traditionally read by the preacher). To make the Scripture come alive to us, we are dramatizing the Scripture reading whenever there is conversation involved in the Scripture readings. If you would help in making the Scripture readings more dynamic, please let Neal Crouse know on the Sunday of your choice.


Don’t forget BYOB—Bring Your Own whatever B—on Friday, September 13th in the church library at 11:30AM.

Faith Circle

The Faith Circle meets the second Wednesday of the month from April to October, at 1:30 PM at the church library. In September, the date is Wednesday, September 11th.

Gourmet Seekers

The August Gourmet Seekers met on Friday, August 23rd at the Klooz Brewz. Many members as well as the Church Office Manager, Lesley K. and PPM’s Assistant Director, Lori G. came and had a fun time together. The next venue will be the Traders Point Creamery at 9101 Moore Rd, Zionsville, IN 46278, on the last Friday of September (Sept. 27th.) For rideshares, please come to the church at 11:30AM. Otherwise the lunch will begin at noon. Please let the church office know if you are coming, so that Lesley can reserve a table or two.

September Church Calendar

Sun. 1st         Communion Sunday

Mon. 2nd      Labor Day

Thur. 5th       Jeannie Shaw’s Birthday
                      5:30pm Love INC Banquet

Sun. 8th        LIFE Sunday. First Day of PCUSA Special Offering Peace & Global Witness

Wed. 11th     Rob William’s Birthday
1:30pm Faith Circle

Fri. 13th        11:30am BYOB

Tues. 17th     6:30pm Session Meeting

Thur. 19th     Rob & Nancy William’s Anniversary

Fri. 27th        11:30am-Gourmet Seekers
5:30pm Worship Meeting

Sat. 28th        Donna Bevington’s Birthday
                      Margi Walter’s Birthday

Sun. 29th       Caring Sunday

Church Contact Information

Office Email:

Pastor Email:

Phone: 765-482-5959

Address: 128 E. Main St. Lebanon, IN 46052




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