Midweek for October 2, 2024


This Sunday is World Communion Sunday!

Important Dates

Rosh Hashana: New Year’s Day in Hebrew Oct. 3rd

PPM Family Night: 6p-8p Sat. Oct. 5th

Faith Circle: 1:30p-3:30p Wed. Oct. 9th


Robert & Phyllis Duff: October 5th


Pamela Dies Birthday: October 6th

Doris Hayden’s Birthday: October 7th

Upcoming Events

October 13 - there will be a baby shower for Echo and Ryan Nunley immediately after church in the fellowship hall, lunch provided.

Please bring diapers (newborn to larger sizes) or gift cards (grocery stores, Wal-Mart, Target, restaurants, etc.) to "shower" the couple.


November 9 - A Retirement Celebration for Bud Hunter from 2-5 p.m. (a special recognition in the sanctuary followed by a reception in the fellowship hall).

Job Posting

The Presbytery of Wabash Valley seeks an Administrative Director to begin service on or before January 1, 2025. Job and benefits description may be found on the Presbytery website: www.ourpresbytery.org Questions, expressions of interest, and resumes may be directed to John Van Nuys, Moderator of the PWV Personnel Ministry Team: jcvannuys@gmail.com or 765-376-5942.

Peace & Global Witness Offering

This Sunday October 6th will be your last chance to contribute to the PCUSA special offering of Peace & Global Witness.

Gourmet Seekers

Don’t forget we changed the date, due to bad weather, to this Friday, October 4th at 12pm! The location is still Traders Pointe Creamery at 9101 Moore Road Zionsville, IN 46077. Those that wish to carpool, please meet at the church by 11:30am. Please call the church office to RSVP by Thursday October 3rd so a reservation can be made.

Saturday Bible Study

Will meet in the library Saturday, October 5th at 11:30am. We finished the Book of Hebrews and will begin Genesis. Coffee and tea will be provided but you need to bring your own lunch.


We are excited for fall at PPM! The weather is still nice, many classes have gone on nature walks looking for signs of fall. We are learning about pumpkins, and all the changes fall brings. As a whole school we learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin. We read the story Pumpkin Jack which is about a boy that grows a pumpkin and carves it for Halloween, naming it Jack. He puts it in the garden after Halloween, the story shows the stages the pumpkin takes throughout the winter months and then eventually comes back as a new plant in the spring. This is a fun school wide Story and activity. Miss Lori Rowe carved a pumpkin for our school, and we named it Pumpkin Emmy. It is upstairs in the open area in a clear tote. We will watch it to see what happens! If you happen to be upstairs, make sure to take a look at Pumpkin Emmy! It’s hard to believe but we will start practicing our songs for the upcoming Christmas program in the next few weeks. Lastly, we are excited to announce we passed our 5-year NAEYC accreditation! NAEYC was here to observe our preschool in late August, we just found out this week that we passed! This is our National Accreditation.

Have a great week!

Blessings, Lori Glauber

Want to Add Music to the Service?

Summertime and the livin’ is easy… and music is needed! If you have ever wanted to play an instrument or sing (solo or as a group), now is your chance. The congregation is always appreciative of music so do not be afraid to add to worship with your song! Also, if you have a favorite hymn (even if it is not in our hymnal), please email Lisa Hutcheson (or see her at church) and if it is covered under our music license, and fits into the service, she will do her best to include them. Let us all make a joyful noise to the Lord!

Coming Sunday Hymns

·         Jesus, Light of Joy #673

·        This Little Light of Mine (words on screen)

·        Come, Live in the Light #749

Communion Hymn

·        Let Us Break Bread Together #525 (v.1,2)

     Prelude: Lead Kindly, Light   arr. Wagle

Postlude:  World Communion Video

Sunday Scriptures and Sermon Title

·        OT Lesson: Isaiah 60:1-3

·        NT Lesson: Matthew 5:14-16

Sermon Title:  You Are the Light of the World

Communion Server Sign-up

The Communion is one of the two Sacraments in the Reformed Church, and it signifies the union and unity with Jesus Christ our Saviour. We repeatedly remind ourselves of this truth, so we have monthly Communion on the first Sunday of the month. To serve the Communion, we need pastor Je and four elders. If you are an ordained elder and willing to serve, please put your name on the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway across from the church office. Servers are still needed in November and December.

October Communion Servers

·        Sig Myers

·        Roy Flanary

·        Ralph Willard

·        Nancy Williams

Voice Actor Needed

Don’t you love hearing the dramatized Scripture Readings during the Sunday Worship Services? You can join the bliss of being part of it. If you are willing, let Neal know before the Worship Service on each Sunday.

Wanna Be on the Visit Team?

The sign-up sheet for September is blank. If you want to help pastor Je visit our home-bound members, please sign up on the bulletin board outside the church office.

Prayer Request?

If you have a prayer request, please contact Phyllis Duff at raduff2@att.net.

Good News?

Do you have something you wish to share with the church family? Sharing good news will double it. Sharing sad news will halve it. Is your child or grandchild excellent? You can boast about them. Contact pastor Je or the church office if you want your story in the weekly Midweek or monthly Newsletter

This Week’s Humor

Serving This Week

·        Visiting team:

·        Liturgist: Jennie Woods

·        Elder of the Month: Sig Myers

·        Pianist: Lisa Hutcheson

Contact the Church

·        Address: 128 E. Main St., Lebanon, IN 46052

·        Tel: 765-482-5959

·        Website: http://lebanonfpc.org

·        Office: office@LebanonFPC.org

·        Pastor: pastor@LebanonFPC.org

·        Blog: https://pastorje-lebanonfpc.blogspot.com/

·        Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/firstpreslebanon

·        YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@firstpresbyterianchurchofl3509


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