Midweek for November 27, 2024


This Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent and Communion Sunday.

Important Dates

Thanksgiving: Thurs Nov 28th

Bible Study: No Bible Study


Nancy Jones’s: Fri Nov 29th

Singers and Ringers

If you would like to offer any special music during the Advent and Christmas season (or any service before then), Please email Lisa Hutcheson at lisahutcheson@yahoo.com or talk to her at church.

Volunteer Opportunities

Liturgists and Communion Servers are needed for next year. If you would like to volunteer please see the sign-up sheets on the bulletin board outside the church office.

Advent/Christmas Poinsettias

A sign-up sheet/order form is located on the bulletin board outside the church office. The colors available this year are, Pink, Red, White and Pink Marble. Each plant will be foiled/ bowed and will cost $17. Orders have been extended to Monday, December 2nd . Delivery will be Saturday, December 7th and you will be able to take them home December 24th after evening service.

Christmas Joy Offering

Each year during the Advent and Christmas season, we lift up past, present and our future leaders of the church. We’ve been blessed with incredible leaders but those leaders often need to be supported by their communities as well. We will start collecting this Offering on Sunday, December 1st . Make sure to put Christmas Joy on the memo line of your check.

Toy Drive

Myrtle Bailey’s Boone County Toy Drive is here again! The list of items needed is below. The mission committee will have a big box wrapped in Christmas paper in the foyer for you to drop your donations in. Sunday, December 15th will be the last day to donate. Monetary donations can be mailed to: Myrtle Bailey’s Boone County Toy Drive, 614 Elm St., Lebanon, In. 46052.

Needs List:

·        Toys, games, sports equipment

·        Hygiene items, and school supplies for infants through 18 years old.

·        Teens: fairy lights, storage crates, razors, shaving cream, mirrors, wallets, cosmetics, perfume, cologne

·        Diapers, diaper bags

·        Books, craft supplies

·        Shampoo and conditioner

·        Cold weather clothing

CCC Community Christmas Festival

Sunday, December 15th at 3pm. The joint choir practices will be at 7pm on Wednesdays at CCC. Please park in the back. An elevator is also available.

The Called Congregation Meeting

Sunday, December 15th  in the sanctuary after Worship Service. The purpose of this meeting is to elect new Elders and to vote on “Becoming Matthew 25 Church”.

Saturday Bible Study

Will not meet this week. Our study continues with Genesis on December 7th.

Coming Sunday Hymns

·        Oh Lord, How Shall I Meet You #104

·        Come, O Come, Emmanuel #88 (v.1-3)

·        Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates #93

Communion Hymn: While We Are Waiting, Come #92 (v.1,3)

Prelude: The Holly and the Ivy arr. Kenyon 

Postlude: When Hope Was Born  DeFord, arr. Pedersen

Sunday Scriptures and Sermon Title

·        OT Lesson: Isaiah 7:10-17

·        NT Lesson: Luke 1:26-38

First Advent Sunday Theme: Hope

Monolgue of Virgin Mary: Jennie Woods

First Advent Candle Lighting: Amy Morrison and Deb Goodnight

Voice Actor Needed

Don’t you love hearing the dramatized Scripture Readings during the Sunday Worship Services? You can join the bliss of being part of it. If you are willing, let Neal know before the Worship Service on Sunday.

Communion Server Sign-up

Do you want to serve the Communion by distributing the elements during the regular Communion on the first Sundays of each month? Please sign up or contact the church office. By the session’s approval, you don’t have to be an ordained elder to serve the Communion.

December Communion Servers

·        Dennis Brannon

·        Amy Morrison

·        Bruce McConnell

·        Bob Duff

Wanna Be on the Visit Team?

The sign-up sheet for the rest of November and the month of December is blank. If you want to help pastor Je visit our home-bound members, please sign up on the bulletin board outside the church office.

Prayer Request?

If you have a prayer request, please contact Phyllis Duff at raduff2@att.net.

Got News?

Do you have something you wish to share with the church family? Sharing good news will double it. Sharing sad news will halve it. Is your child or grandchild excellent? You can boast about them. Contact the church office if you want your story in the weekly Midweek or monthly Newsletter.

This Week’s Humor

Serving This Week

·        Visiting team:

·        Liturgist: George Piper

·        Elder of the Month: Dennis Brannon

·        Pianist: Lisa Hutcheson

Contact the Church

·        Address: 128 E. Main St., Lebanon, IN 46052

·        Tel: 765-482-5959

·        Website: http://lebanonfpc.org

·        Office: office@LebanonFPC.org

·        Pastor: pastor@LebanonFPC.org

·        Blog: https://pastorje-lebanonfpc.blogspot.com/

·        Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/firstpreslebanon

·        YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@firstpresbyterianchurchofl3509




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