The God Who Remains Faithful

OT Lesson: Lamentations 3:19-27 (ESV)

Remember my affliction and my wanderings,
the wormwood and the gall!
My soul continually remembers it
and is bowed down within me.
But this I call to mind,
and therefore I have hope:

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is Your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“therefore I will hope in Him.”

The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
to the soul who seeks him.
It is good that one should wait quietly
for the salvation of the Lord.
It is good for a man that he bear
the yoke in his youth.

NT Lesson: Hebrews 13:5-8 (NRSV)

Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be content with what you have; for He has said, ‘I will never leave you or forsake you.’ So we can say with confidence,

‘The Lord is my helper;
I will not be afraid.
What can anyone do to me?’

Remember your leaders, those who spoke the word of God to you; consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever.


Introduction: Honouring the Saints

Good morning and Merry Christmas. Yesterday was very warm. It’s unbelievable that it was 58 degree at the end of December. I am not sure if it is good or bad. Anyway, we are at the end of the last month of this year. Today, we gather on this first Sunday after Christmas, which  is also the final Sunday of the year. When I was little, I thought the time moves slow, but now I wonder how fast time flies. I feel like the beginning of this year was just yesterday, and now we are at the end of it. Today, we begin with a time of remembrance, reflecting on the lives of the saints who have gone to be with the Lord this year. As we watch the slide-show, let us celebrate their faith, love, and legacy, while acknowledging the grief of their absence.

Their journeys remind us of the steadfast presence of God, a theme echoed in our Scriptures for today. While we honour the saints who went to the Lord in recent years, we also celebrate the living. Let us watch the highlight of this year:

Our Old Testament lesson comes from Lamentations 3:19-27. Let me read the verse 22 and 23: “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” The New Testament lesson comes from Hebrews 13:5-8, and again, let me read verse 8: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever.” Together, these Scriptures remind us of God’s unchanging faithfulness, even amid life’s uncertainties and transitions.

God’s Faithfulness Through Changing Seasons

The prophet Jeremiah, in Lamen-tations, writes from a place of profound sorrow. His beloved Jerusalem lies in ruins, and the people are in exile. Yet, amid despair, he declares with conviction: “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases.” These words emerge as a song of hope in the darkness.

As we reflect on this past year, we too have experienced changing seasons. There have been moments of joy—births, celebrations, new beginnings—and moments of sorrow—losses, challenges, and uncertainties. Politically in the United States, we went through a lot because of the election, and finally we have the results. Some may consider it victory while others defeat. In South Korea, the struggling president with the approval rates around ten percent tried self-coup which failed in just several hours, and got impeached by the congress and now waiting for the verdict of the Constitutional Supreme Court. The political turmoil continues. In the Middle East, Syrian rebels entered the capital city, gaining the power and the control of the country. It gives the question to many European countries whether the Syrian refugees should go back or stay. With this question, the Europe is also dove into political turmoils, not to mention the continuing war between Russia and Ukraine. So we are full of turmoils not only in personal level but also in large scale as well. We feel like we are sitting along with prophet Jeremiah in the middle of the ruined Jerusalem. Yet, in all these times, God’s mercies have been constant, renewing us each morning.

The slide show we watched earlier reminds us of this faithfulness. Though we grieve the loss of beloved saints, we can be assured they now rest in God’s eternal presence, where His love and faithfulness are fully realised. So when you go home today, take a moment to reflect: Where have you seen God’s faithfulness this past year? In answered prayers, unexpected provisions, or the strength to endure trials? As a church, we can give thanks for the ways God has worked among us—in worship, fellowship, and mission.

God’s Mercies Are New Every Morning

Jeremiah’s declaration that God’s mercies are new every morning carries a profound truth. Each day is an opportunity to experience God’s grace afresh. This past year may have brought failures or regrets, but God’s mercy meets us where we are and offers renewal.

The turning of the calendar year often prompts resolutions and hopes for a better future. As we stand on the threshold of 2025, we are reminded that our true hope lies not in our own efforts but in the God who remains faithful. His mercies will sustain us in the year ahead, just as they have in the past. So from today on, let us embrace each day as a gift from God. Even in difficulties, let us look for signs of His mercy and grace. And above all, let us commit ourselves to living with gratitude and trust, confident that God will provide what we need for each day.

Jesus Christ, the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever

The writer of Hebrews assures us that Jesus Christ is unchanging. This truth is particularly comforting as we face the uncertainties of life. Trends, technologies, relationships, and even our own bodies may change. Your body and muscles may not exactly the same as when you were seventeen. But Jesus Christ remains constant.

Reflect on the significance of this unchanging nature. The same Jesus Christ who walked on water, who healed the sick, and who forgave sinners is the one who intercedes for us today. His love and promises do not waver. As we close one year and enter another, we can trust in Jesus’ steady presence. He is the foundation upon which we build our lives and the anchor that holds us firm amid the storms of life. So whenever you feel overwhelmed by change, remind yourself of Jesus’ steadfastness. And lean into His unchanging Word and seek His guidance as you navigate the year ahead.

Conclusion: Responding to God’s Faithfulness

As we prepare to enter a new year, let us respond to God’s faithfulness with gratitude and trust. Here are three ways I suggest which we can do so: First, remembrance and celebration. Let us honour the lives of those who have gone before us, drawing strength from their example of faith. Second, Renewal of our trust. Let us place our hopes and fears for the new year in God’s hands, confident in His steadfast love. Last, living faithfully. Let us commit ourselves to being vessels of God’s mercy and love, sharing His faithfulness with others through our words and actions. May we leave today encouraged and assured that the God who has been faithful in the past will remain faithful in the days and years to come. Amen.


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