January Newsletter

New Members

Barbara Belt and Don Sanders, who have been attending our Sunday services regularly, officially joined our congregation on Sunday, December 1st, 2024. Barbara was previously a member at Northminster Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis, so we received her Certificate of Transfer from that church. Don, who had no prior membership, joined by professing his faith. We welcome and bless them both as they become part of our church family.

Gourmet Seekers

During the winter months, we took a break from our Gourmet Seekers meetings—a time we cherish for savory meals and uplifting fellowship. With winter now fading, we are delighted to resume this wonderful tradition. Our next gathering is scheduled for Friday, January 31st, 2025, at Leon Mexican Food (1524 W South St, Lebanon, IN), with lunch starting at noon. If you need a ride, please meet at the church at 11:30 a.m. Kindly contact the church office by Wednesday so we can reserve enough seats. Enjoy the company and delicious food!

PPM News

PPM had a wonderful December, full of fun celebrations and activities. We ended the week before Christ-mas with two special visitors. Bud Hunter came to visit on Thursday to demonstrate to the kids how the pipe organ works. He showed us a few smaller pipes and the different sounds they make. He also played some fun Christmas music and as the kids left, they walked around to see how playing the keys helps produce the sound in the pipes. This was a fun day, honestly, I couldve just listened to Bud play all day. A huge THANK YOU to Bud for volunteering his time and talent to the PPM children. Friday, we had our Polar Express day, and a visit from Santa. Our halls were filled with the magic sound of his bells and the faces on the childrens faces were priceless. As one teacher put it “A crazy, hectic day; but when you see the smiles on their faces when they get to sit on his lap or the giggles of excitement. It was worth it.” 

As we enter this New Year, 2025. May you all find time to smile and giggle, may you find peace and happiness. 

Happy 2025,

Lori Rowe


Don’t forget the BYOB—Bring Your Own whatever B—on Friday, January 10th in the church library, 11:30AM.

Saturday Bible Study

From Thanksgiving through Epiphany, we paused our weekly Bible Study. It will resume on Saturday, January 11th, 2025. We are currently studying the Book of Genesis, focusing on the ancient Middle Eastern and Hebrew cultures that shape its narrative. Coffee and tea will be provided but you need to bring your own lunch

Per Capita

Per Capita is due annually from the members of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Per Capita connects PCUSA congregations and mid councils with the work of the wider church. As the primary source of funding for the Office of the General Assembly (OGA), it is how Presbyterians mutually and equitably share the costs of moving the church forward in the 21st century.

Per Capita giving makes it possible for: 

  • Presbyterians to discern and live out God’s call in their lives
  • Churches to connect with individuals seeking a call to ministry
  • Staff support for General Assembly committees and commissions
  • Management and coordination of General Assembly gatherings
  • Presbytery and synod to gather for training and discernment
  • Counsel and support for churches in crisis (misconduct, legal matters)
  • Presbyteries to address matters of inclusion, participation, and representation at all levels of church leadership and decision-making
  • The denomination to build connections with ecumenical partners around the world
  • Presbyteries and pastors to receive support on immigration issues
  • Presbyterian history to be cataloged, preserved, and utilized by future generations


Per Capita 2025 is $44.66 per member. $30.01 goes to the Presbytery of Wabash Valley, $3.81 goes to the Synod of Lincoln Trails, and $10.84 goes to the Office of General Assembly. It’s a new year and you have twelve months to pay your Per Capita, but there’s no need to postpone it.

Happy New Year–Twice

January 1st marks New Year’s Day in the Gregorian calendar (which we use in America), while January 29th is New Year’s Day in the traditional Korean lunar calendar this year (dates of the Lunar calendar jump around each year on the Gregorian calendar). This year’s animal is the blue (or wood) snake. Interestingly, Pastor Je was born in the Year of the Rabbit. In many ancient cultures, the snake symbolizes wisdom (including in the Garden of Eden story in Genesis). May we all be blessed with both divine and earthly wisdom in the coming year.

No to Matthew 25 Church

In the Called Congregational Meeting on Sunday, December 15th, we voted on whether to join the PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 initiative. With a final count of eight in favor and 24 opposed, the motion did not pass. Nevertheless, this outcome does not alter our commit-ment to active service in the com-munity. We will continue supporting our neighbors and local ministries, embodying the spirit of Matthew 25 in all that we do. 

Advent Performances

We enjoyed four wonderful Advent Sundays, made even more special by members who took on the roles of major figures in the Nativity story, raising our Christmas spirit to new heights. On the first Sunday of Advent, Jennie Woods performed a monologue as the Virgin Mary. The following Sunday, George Piper II portrayed Joseph. On the third Sunday, Janet & Bruce McConnell presented an “Interview with King Herod.” Finally, on the last Sunday of Advent, Lisa & Scott Hutcheson gave a duologue as the parents of John the Baptist.

Christmas Story

From the first Sunday of Advent through the final Sunday of 2024, Amy Morrison led the Children’s Story during our morning worship services. She presented the Nativity narrative at the perfect level for our youngest Presbyterians, who were captivated by her storytelling and delighted to hear and see the Christmas message in such a lively manner.

Christmas Eve Service

We celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, on Christmas Eve (Tuesday, December 24th) at 7 p.m. The sanctuary was beautifully decorated, thanks to many volunteers, and the music was truly captivating. One of our treasured Christmas Eve traditions has always been Les Goodnight’s rendition of “O Holy Night,” and this year it continued through his grandson, Craig Reynolds, bringing tears of joy to his proud grandparents. The candlelight created a peaceful atmosphere, and the Nunley family lit the Christ the King Candle. The highlight of the evening was the Christmas storytelling by Grandpa Duff. We are grateful to Lisa, the worship team, and the Bell Choir for all their efforts, as well as to everyone who helped make this celebration of our Savior’s birth so memorable.


Again this year, the Lebanon High School choir—the Madrigals—visited us on Sunday, December 15th, to share beautiful Christmas carols. Their performance at the close of the worship service captivated everyone, filling our hearts with the spirit of Christmas. We extend our gratitude to the Madrigals for their wonderful music.

Elders Elected

According to the PC(USA) constitution, elders may serve up to two consecutive three-year terms, for a total of six years. Dennis Brannon and Amy Morrison had reached this limit, having served for six years already. However, when the Nominating Committee found it challenging to secure new candidates, they invited both Dennis and Amy to continue serving. With their consent, the Session requested an exemption from the Presbytery, and the Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry granted permission. Dennis and Amy were then nominated alongside Nancy Kincaid and Barbara Belt, and during the Called Congregational Meeting, all four were elected to their first three-year term. May God grant our church leaders wisdom and strength.

Communion Server Needed

We have Communion once a month, on the first Sunday of each month. We need elders to serve the communion. You can volunteer to serve if you are an ordained elder in the Presbyterian Church of U.S.A. (PCUSA). Session has voted to invite those that are not ordained elders to serve as well. If you are

interested, please sign the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board across from the church office.

PPM in Lebanon Reporter

The December 12th, 2024, issue of the Lebanon Reporter featured a front page article about the wonderful Christmas program provided by PPM children.

Fire Alarm Replaced

The church building was previously equipped with a Siemens fire alarm that had multiple issues, including daily false alarms requiring intervention from the fire station. In response, the Session chose to replace the Siemens system with one from Lalas A&D Alarms (the same company that provides our security system). By Christmas Eve morning, the new alarm was fully installed and is now running smoothly.

PPM Christmas Program

The children of our Presbyterian Preschool Ministry (PPM) gave two enchanting Christmas programs on Friday, December 6th, and Sunday, December 8th. Their delightful performances brought immense joy to the parents and grandparents who attended.

Voice Actor for the Scripture Reading

We usually have two Scripture readings each Sunday, one from the OT (traditionally read by the liturgist), and the other from the NT (traditionally read by the preacher). To make the Scripture come alive to us, we are dramatizing the Scripture reading whenever there is conversation involved in the Scripture readings. If you are interested, please let Neal Crouse know on the Sunday of your choice.

January Church Calendar

Sun.   1st      Happy New Year.

Thu.   2nd     John Morton’s Birthday.

Sun.   5th      Epiphany Sunday.

Mon.  6th      Epiphany Day.

                   Elizabeth Clem’s Birthday.

Thu.   9th      Leeza Finch’s Birthday.

Fri.     10th    11:30am BYOB.

Sat.    11th    11:30am Bible Study.

Sun.   12th    Baptism of Roman and Eden


Wed.  15th    Jerry Jones’ Birthday.

Sat.    18th    11:30am Bible Study.

                   Luna Nunley’s Birthday

(Fellowship Hall reserved).

Sun.   19th    Elder Ordination and


                   Toby Meyer’s Birthday.

Mon.  20th    Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

                   Inauguration Day.

Tue.   21st     6:30pm Session Meeting.

Fri.     24th    5:30pm Worship Team Meeting.

                   Oliver Hutcheson’s Birthday.

Sat.    25th    11:30am Bible Study.

Fellowship Hall reserved for PPM teacher’s baby shower.

Sun.   26th    Caring Sunday.

Tue.   28th     Steve MacPherson’s Birthday.

Wed.  29th     Korean New Year’s Day.

                   새해 많이 받으세요!

Fri.     31st     12pm Gourmet Seekers.

Church Contact Information

Office Email: office@LebanonFPC.org

Pastor Email: pastor@LebanonFPC.org

Phone: 765-482-5959

Address: 128 E. Main St. Lebanon, IN 46052

Website: https://www.LebanonFPC.org



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