Midweek for December 18, 2024

 This Sunday is the Last Sunday of Advent.

In observance of Christmas and New Year’s Day, the next Midweek will be January 8th

Important Dates

7pm Thurs Dec 19th: Bell Practice

Tues December 24th: Christmas Eve.

Wed December 25th: Merry Christmas!

Wed January 1st: Happy New Year!


Fri December 20th: Tyler & Willaim Meyer

Mon December 23rd: Nick Hill

Tues December 31st: Susan Kries

Thurs January 2nd: John Morton


Wed December 18th: Dennis & Teresa Brannon.

Fri December 20th: Jerry & Nancy Jones; Steve & Lynna Shaw

Mon December 30th: Roy & Kathy Flanary; Scott & Lisa Hutcheson

New Elders in the Session:

New Elders to serve in the Session were elected by the congregational votes. Dennis Brannon and Amy Morrison are returning elders. Nancy Kincaid and Barbara Belt are newly joining Elders. The ordination/installation service will be scheduled in January.

Singers and Ringers

If you would like to offer any special music during the Advent and Christmas season (or any service), Please email Lisa Hutcheson at lisahutcheson@yahoo.com or talk to her at church.

No Label of Matthew 25

At the Called Congregational Meeting, the members decided not to pursue the title or label of PCUSA Matthew 25 Church. But we also decided to do more locally to make our church and community vibrant in the love of Christ. The voting result was 8 Yes, and 24 No.

Christmas Joy Offering

Each year during the Advent and Christmas season, we lift up our past, present and future leaders of the church. We’ve been blessed with incredible leaders but those leaders often need to be supported by their communities as well. We will continue to collect this Offering until this Sunday, December 22nd. Make sure to put Christmas Joy on the memo line of your check.

Toy Drive Is Over

Thank you wonderful Christians at First Presbyterian Church. The Toy Drive Collect is over and the toys were delivered by Sig & Jane Myers.


Christmas M&Ms are waiting for you!

Fun size of M&Ms with Christmas Poem on them will be distributed at the time of Christmas Eve Worship service (Tuesday, December 24th). Come and celebrate the birth of Christ with us while witnessing the divine design of M&M.

PPM News

The classes are decorated, the music is playing, PPM is in full holiday mode. We have had a fun month decorating cookies, making gifts, special dress up days and Friday we have a special visitor coming to see the kids at PPM.

The kids are excited, the teachers ready for break and the parents bustling to finish up before the kids are home for 2 weeks. 

In all the excitement, we are reminded of that first Christmas, it provides peace during the season. As we share the Christmas story to the children here at PPM, it is sometimes overwhelming to think of a gift of a baby; a king. 

May this season of Christmas bring you peace and comfort. 


Merry Christmas, from the entire PPM staff and families,

Miss Lori 


Saturday Bible Study

Will meet not meet in December. Our studies will continue with Genesis starting January 11th at 11:30am.

Get Your Guiding Star!
As usual, the guiding stars for your new year will be available for pick up on Star Sunday (or Epiphany Sunday, January 5th).

Coming Sunday Hymns

·        Oh, Lord How Shall I Meet You #104

·        Love Has Come, A Light in the Darkness #110

·        Joy To The World #134


Prelude: I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day   arr. Calkin    played by Samuel Piper

Postlude:  Rise Up, Shepherds and Follow    Robbins

Sunday Scriptures and Sermon Title

·        OT Lesson: Malachi 4:4-6

·        NT Lesson: Luke 1:5-25


Fourth Advent Sunday Theme: Love

Duologue of John the Baptist’s Parents: Scott & Lisa Hutcheson


Fourth Advent Candle Lighting: The Hutcheson Family

Upcoming Worship Services

·         Tuesday, December 24th: Christmas Eve Service at 7PM.
Christ Candle Lighting by Nunley family.

·         Sunday, December 29th: Year-end Worship service of Reflection at 10:30AM.
No Candle Lighting.
Sermon title: The God Who Remains Faithful.
OT Lesson: Lamentations 3:19-27  NT Lesson: Hebrews 13:5-8

·         Sunday, January 5th: Epiphany  Sunday Service.
Communion Sunday.
Monologue of a Magus by Ben Piper.
OT Lesson: Isaiah 60:1-6

NT Lesson: Matthew 2:1-12

Voice Actor Needed

Don’t you love hearing the dramatized Scripture Readings during the Sunday Worship Services? You can join the bliss of being part of it. If you are willing, let Neal know before the Worship Service on Sunday.

Communion Server Sign-up

Do you want to serve the Communion by distributing the elements during the regular Communion on the first Sundays of each month? Please sign up or contact the church office. By the session’s approval, you don’t have to be an ordained elder to serve the Communion.

January Communion Servers

·        Lynna Shaw

·        Amy Morrison

·        Cyndy Gibbs

·        Pam Dies


Wanna Be on the Visit Team?

The sign-up sheet for the rest of November and the month of December is blank. If you want to help pastor Je visit our home-bound members, please sign up on the bulletin board outside the church office.

Prayer Request?

If you have a prayer request, please contact Phyllis Duff at raduff2@att.net.

Got News?

Do you have something you wish to share with the church family? Sharing good news will double it. Sharing sad news will halve it. Is your child or grandchild excellent? You can boast about them. Contact the church office if you want your story in the weekly Midweek or monthly Newsletter.

This Week’s Humor

Serving This Week

·        Liturgist: George Piper

·        Elder of the Month: Dennis Brannon

·        Pianist: Lisa Hutcheson

Serving in January

·        Liturgist: Susan Giger

·        Elder of the Month: Amy Morrison

·        Pianist: Lisa Hutcheson

Contact the Church

·        Address: 128 E. Main St., Lebanon, IN 46052

·        Tel: 765-482-5959

·        Website: http://lebanonfpc.org

·        Office: office@lebanonfpc.org

·        Pastor: pastor@lebanonfpc.org

·        Blog: https://pastorje-lebanonfpc.blogspot.com/

·        Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/firstpreslebanon

·        YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@firstpresbyterianchurchofl3509




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