March 12, 2025, Midweek
This Sunday is the Second Sunday of Lent/ Ordination and
Installation of Nancy Turner! Remember Sunday’s Dress Code is Green!
Important Dates
Wed. Mar 12th: 6pm Lenten Soup Supper @ St. Joseph Catholic Church
Thurs. Mar 13h: 6:30pm Bell Practice
Fri. Mar 14th: 11:30pm BYOB
Sat. Mar 15th: 11:30am Bible Study
Mon. Mar 17th: St Patrick’s Day
Tues. Mar 18th: 6:30pm Session Meeting
Thurs. Mar 13th: Caleb Reynolds
Mon. Mar 17th: Steve Shaw
Tues. Mar 18th: Kerry Kries
Lenten Soup Supper & Service
Many churches in Lebanon
have been coming together for fellowship and spirituality during Lenten
Wednesdays in the past years. This year is no different! Lenten Soup Supper
will start Wednesday, March 12th and end on April 9th.
The suppers will start at 6pm, followed by a worship or prayer service in the
respective traditions at 7pm. The schedule and locations for the suppers is
listed below:
March 12th- St. Joseph
Catholic Church
March 19th- Trinity Lutheran
March 26th- First
Presbyterian Church
April 2nd- TBD
April 9th- TBD
We need volunteers to bring soups to serve on
Wednesday, March 26th when we host it. A sign-up sheet is on the
bulletin board outside the church office. If you have an extension cord, please
bring it so we can make sure all of the soups can stay warm. Please contact
Nancy Kincaid with any questions you may have.
Malawi Baby Pack Project
We are collecting for the Malawi baby packs until April 20.
There is a sign-up sheet on the reception table in the foyer with the items we
need to fill the packs. Please sign up to donate something, On Saturday April
26 we will stuff the baby packs and have refreshments. There is also a sign-up
sheet on the bulletin board if you plan on coming to help stuff bags. For more
information, please watch this video
Saturday Bible Study
We will meet on Saturday, March 15th at 11:30am.
We are currently studying the Book of Genesis, focusing on the ancient Middle
Eastern and Hebrew cultures that shape its narrative. Coffee and tea will be
provided but you need to bring your own lunch
Coming Sunday Hymns
Where Cross the Crowded Ways of
Life #343(v.1,3,4,6)
Be Still My Soul #819
Oh, How He Loves You and Me (Sing
the Faith) #2108
Prelude: Meditation 224 Page
Postlude: My Jesus, I Love Thee arr. Krug
Sunday Scriptures and Sermon Title
OT Lesson: Isaiah 58:6-12
NT Lesson: Mark 2:1-12
Sermon Title: The Step of Compassion
Sermon Series Title: The Journey to the Cross: The Step of Jesus
Communion Server Sign-up
Do you want to serve the Communion by distributing the elements during the
regular Communion on the first Sunday of each month? Please sign up on the
bulletin board outside the church office or contact pastor Je. By the session’s
approval, you don’t have to be an ordained elder to serve the Communion. May
and June still need volunteers.
April Communion Servers
Amy Morrison
Nancy Kincaid
Don Sanders
Roy Flanary
Voice Actor Needed
Don’t you love hearing the dramatized Scripture Readings
during the Sunday Worship Services? You can join the bliss of being part of it.
Please let Pastor Je or Neal know if you would like to volunteer.
This Sunday 2 voices are needed:
Wanna Be on the Visit Team?
If you want to help pastor Je visit our home-bound
members, please sign up on the bulletin board outside the church office.
February still has some open spots if you would like to volunteer.
Prayer Request?
If you have a prayer request, please contact Phyllis
Duff at
Got News?
Do you have something you wish to share with the
church family? Sharing good news will double it. Sharing sad news will halve
it. Is your child or grandchild excellent? You can boast about them. Contact
the church office if you want your story in the weekly Midweek or monthly
This Week’s Humor
Serving This Week
Liturgist: Jennie Woods
Elder of the Month: Amy Morrison
Elder for March 16th:
Sigmon Myers
Pianist: Lisa Hutcheson
Contact the Church
Address: 128 E. Main St.,
Lebanon, IN 46052
Tel: 765-482-5959
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