Midweek: Wednesday, May 25th, 2022
Midweek 5/25/22 IN THIS ISSUE: Music Notes PPM Update Invite from Goodnights Faith’s Sweet Consolation, Day by Day “. . . that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:12 Music: Please note that there are no rehearsals until June 2nd, so no Thursday rehearsal on May 26th. Preparation for June 5th (Pastor Je's 1st Sunday), as well as Pentecost: Sanctuary, 7pm on: Thursday, June 2nd Preparation for Worship in the Park, with CCC, on Sunday, June 26th (time TBD): 7pm on: Thursday, June 9th and Thursday, June 16th possibly at CCC on Wednesday, June 22nd time TBA. Choir will then be on hiatus until at least Labor Day & until Pastor Je has had more opportunities to worship with us, meet with the Worship Team, and determine what his needs and wishes are for the choir. Invite from Debbie Goodnight : Please join us to celebrate McKenna Reynolds at her graduation open house on Sunday, May 29th, from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. It will be at Les & D...