
Showing posts from December, 2024

December Newsletter

  We Miss Mildred Mildred was an exceptional woman with a big heart. She loved her family and attended as many of their activities as she could, all the children whose lives she touched through her many years in various schools/churches, music both playing and teaching, the Bob Flanary Open Tennis Tournament in memory of her husband and of course her church family. She left an imprint on the lives she touched and will be greatly missed. Veterans Day Luncheon Pastor Je invited the American Heroes from our congregation to lunch at Flapjacks on Wednesday, November 13th. Because of their sacrifice and service, we enjoy the peace in this wonderful country.  New Pocket Park Benches Roy Flanary (with assistance from Lori Rowe), on behalf of First Presbyterian Church of Lebanon, applied for a Community Grant provided by Boone County Solid Waste Management District in the hope of replacing the benches in the pocket park with 6 made of recyclable materials. Boone County So...

Midweek for November 27, 2024

  This Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent and Communion Sunday. Important Dates Thanksgiving: Thurs Nov 28 th Bible Study : No Bible Study Birthday’s Nancy Jones’s : Fri Nov 29 th Singers and Ringers If you would like to offer any special music during the Advent and Christmas season (or any service before then), Please email Lisa Hutcheson at or talk to her at church. Volunteer Opportunities Liturgists and Communion Servers are needed for next year. If you would like to volunteer please see the sign-up sheets on the bulletin board outside the church office. Advent/Christmas Poinsettias A sign-up sheet/order form is located on the bulletin board outside the church office. The colors available this year are, Pink, Red, White and Pink Marble. Each plant will be foiled/ bowed and will cost $17. Orders have been extended to Monday, December 2 nd . Delivery will be Saturday, December 7 th and you will be able to take them home December...